Senator Kennedy’s Attacks Against Chicago Once Again Display his Ignorance
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Domestic terrorism and the rise
in mass shootings with the use of legally obtained firearms have become America’s
number one danger to its people and an embarrassment for a government which
continues to ignore the facts. In a recent hearing, Senator John Kennedy failed
miserably in his efforts to protect his party’s choice to ignore the safety of
330 million Americans.
Since 1976, the NRA began moving
away from being an advocate for gun safety into a lobby to increase gun sales
for gun manufacturers and gun sellers. The Republican Party eagerly accepts
campaign donations from the NRA, and to show their gratitude continues to
protect the NRA from any legislation which might lessen the profits of their
owners. After every mass shooting, those who call themselves “Republicans”
today offer their “thoughts and prayers” but do nothing. Instead of taking
action, they attempt to change the subject into a discussion founded on fantasy
and half-truths.
On Tuesday, December 28, 2023,
the Senate Judiciary Committee met to discuss our nation’s escalating problem
with gun violence. America has become the most dangerous nation in the world.
There is no “safe” place to go in our country in the 21st century.
John Kennedy, Republican Senator
from Louisiana, stepped forward to protect his owners. In a pitiful effort to
prevent a discussion of the facts, he immediately entered into a tirade about
the well-known problems which exist in Chicago, Illinois. Thus began an
interesting exchange between Kennedy and the witness, Dr. Megan Ranney of the
Yale School of Public Health.
Kennedy: “Let me ask you this.
Why do you think that Chicago has become America's largest outdoor shooting
range? Do you think it's because of Chicago citizens, who have no criminal
record, but who lawfully have a gun in their homes for protection, or perhaps
for hunting? Or do you think it's because of a finite group of criminals who
have rap sheets as long as King Kong’s arm?”
Kennedy pointed to an irrefutable
fact. In 2022, Chicago reported 692 homicides, more than New York with 433, and
Los Angeles with 382. However, Dr. Ranney pointed to the errors in his
She focused on the importance of
population and suggested deaths per capita were of greater importance in the current
Ranney: “So Mississippi,
Louisiana, Missouri actually have higher firearm death rates, obviously there's
certain …”
With a tactic used frequently by
right-wing politicians and their propaganda machine, Fox News, Kennedy interrupted
her. It was obvious that he feared the exposure of two facts about his state of
Louisiana. Louisiana is the “second most murderous state. It is also the third
lowest in life expectancy — one of the nine red states on the top ten list of
places where citizens die young.”
Kennedy was desperate to keep the focus on Chicago.
Kennedy: “What about Chicago?”
Ranney: “So I don't live in Chicago. It's not my primary
area of research.”
Kennedy: “You don't have an opinion on that?”
Dr. Ranney pointed to an undeniable fact, that gun deaths
are caused by guns, adding: “I think there is easy access to firearms, combined
with environmental conditions and lack of great education. There have actually
been studies showing that when you green vacant lots and repair abandoned
buildings in urban neighborhoods, you see decreases in gunshots and violence as
well as decreases in stress and depression in the neighborhoods around them.”
Kennedy called her remarks “word salad.” He obviously cut
his English classes in high school. It was clear what the Doctor was saying.
Maybe Kennedy was too busy thinking about how he was going to discredit her
rather than listening to reality.
Kennedy is the poster boy for right-wing ignorance, arrogance,
and idiocy. I remain a devoted Independent, but people like Kennedy make me
ashamed that I ever voted for a Republican. This entire party has moved so far
to the right they reject the Constitution and everything America stands for.
White supremacy is a crime against humanity. Judging others based on the color
of their skin, their religious belief, or any other reason other than their
character and principles is in opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
It’s time for all Americans to become informed and use free
thought and free choice. Only we, the people, can save our country. Please vote
on November 5, 2024, and vote wisely, not for a greedy and self-serving
political party.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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