Hey America, Get Your Heads Out of Your A**es and Save Your Country


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I try to be professional. Although I occasionally use profanity, I don’t like or enjoy it. However, the truth is it’s time for all Americans to face reality and the truth and save their country from the villains among us.

As a young man, I listened to a speech by an animatronic Abraham Lincoln at Disneyland in a long-forgotten attraction named, “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.” This speech impressed me and although it has often been misquoted, Its meaning is more important today than ever.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The former were his exact words and If he were alive today, he would know that he was not only a great President, but also a great prophet.

Over the last 42 years the once Grand Old Party has moved so far to the right many of its members have become fascists. The destruction of the Republican Party was completed between 2017 and 2021. With a final act of what can only be called treason on January 6, 2021, any hope for a continuation of the nation of our Founding Fathers faded with the illegitimate presidency of a fascist who hated his own country. His slogan, “Make America Great Again” was a reference to the dark days of the mid-twentieth century. The goal of many of his predecessors, to make white supremacy the norm, and guarantee rule by the super-rich, the condemnation of anyone who did not embrace heterosexuality, and the suppression of women’s rights under the guise of “Christianity” became the new Constitution and was supported by millions of anti-Americans.

Sadly, those who call themselves “Republicans” continue to support the very white, old, obese man who will forever be remembered not only as our nation’s worst president, but also as the biggest mistake made by American voters in history.

The mainstream media is equally to blame. No longer is Fox News the greatest source of misinformation in our country, all other “news” networks have joined them. They allow self-admitted traitors like Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene to have a voice. This pattern became a reality during the 2016 campaign when the media allowed Trump to have five-times more coverage than all other candidates combined.

Every eligible voter must become involved and informed in every election. Our current government is composed mostly of women and men who are unfit for office and support the corrupt actions of their own. Never forget: the United States of America is composed of its people, not monuments, government buildings or those we choose to represent us in Washington. Every member of our government is a public servant, and nothing more. If they fail you, send them home.

Op-ed by James Turnage






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