
Sometimes a Name is Just a Name

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There are several names in America when spoken inspire thoughts about the American flag, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and a deep feeling of patriotism. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Kennedy are among these celebrated surnames. Personally, the name Kennedy has enormous importance and meaning in my life. I was in my first year of high school when John Fitzgerald Kennedy became our nation’s 35 th president. At just 43 years of age, he displayed an extraordinary intellect, with  the ability to inspire younger Americans with eloquent and meaningful speech. One of the darkest days in my life happened on November 22, 1963 when the great man was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. As a senior in high school, my immediate reaction was a feeling that all hope was lost. President Kennedy gave me feelings I have never had before or since. SHAMING THE KENNEDY NAME I find it disgusting that a member of the respected Kennedy family is making an ass of

Our Country’s Morals and Goals Should Return to the Ideals of 1960’s America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First, let me inform you that I feel fortunate to have been an original “baby boomer.” What I have experienced in my life will never be repeated by any other generation. Everything from the growth of commercial air travel, to how we communicate in 2024 began in my lifetime. I cannot say that all of the changes are positive: human beings are far from perfect. However, as a septuagenarian, I will tell you that I was forced to learn about new inventions and how to use them many times during every decade. My education existed beyond what I learned in school. Every day life offered me more information than I could possibly learn in the few hours I attended classes. By the way, we read newspapers daily to learn what was happening in our country and around the world. Television news was in its infancy. Today, television “news” is more concerned about selling advertising than informing our nation’s people. ONE MAN CHANGED THE WAY YOUNG AMERICA USED FREE THOUGHT I began

Trump’s Desperate Need for Relevancy Makes Jury Selection Extremely Difficult

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart You support him or you hate him, there are no “undecideds.” You love your country or you hate it and believe that Donald Trump’s efforts to destroy democracy are more important than the future of your grandchildren. Trump’s ego desperately needs constant massaging, or he will explode into a fit of rage and likely stroke out. His failing efforts to remain relevant make him the most infamous person in our nation. Everyone who is high school age or older has an opinion about “Big Adolf.” Therefore, selecting 12 jurors and six alternates for his criminal trial in New York, a city in which the orange buffoon is not welcome, is a challenge. Background checks on prospective jurors has been extensive, the goal being a fair trial for an obese old man who has never treated another man or woman fairly. COULD YOU BE AN IMPARTIAL JUROR ON A TRUMP TRIAL I have worked hard for 77 years to be a fair-minded man who is willing to listen to both sides of any issue in a civil discu

Let’s Look at What is Happening in America Today: April 17, 2024

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I can’t believe I’m writing this. This article is about a country I have never heard of, certainly not the country where I was born and raised. The subject matter is more about our country’s overall condition than individual events. Let me just say right up front that the division within our nation began in 2015. It has become so severe, the United States is currently engaged in a Second Civil War. Currently it is bloodless, but that could soon change. Trump’s supporters continue to accept lies as facts, not because Trump is a legitimate leader, because they agree with “Big Adolf” and his American Fascist Party’s plan for our nation’s future. His “army” is composed of different groups with a single bond: their fascist beliefs. We call them “Neo-Nazis” in 2024, but they could also be called “The Confederacy.” Regardless, their ambitions are the same. A DAY OFF: MORE TIME FOR A LONG NAP? Today, Donald Trump was not in a courtroom. It was a day off for  the lifetim

Will a Corrupted Supreme Court Ignore the Constitution Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart January 6, 2021, was by far the darkest day in American History. A sitting president executed an attempted coup which he previously organized, and planned with the assistance of leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi traitors. Hundred of men and women have been prosecuted and convicted for crimes including sedition, but none of them were charged with treason. Why, I will never know. Today it appears that the most corrupted Supreme Court in history is considering the invalidation of a large number of those convictions, which will eventually result in the acquittal of America’s greatest traitor who should be in prison today awaiting trial and possibly execution. Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to our nation in 247 years. IS THE END OF AMERICA ABOUT TO HAPPEN? Six justices, calling themselves “conservatives,” but in reality are right wing extremists, so far to the right they embrace fascism, appear to be in doubt about a law passed after the Enron scandal. [One pa

A new “Gettysburg Address” Could be Trump’s Waterloo

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   Need more proof that Trump is mentally unbalanced? Don’t worry, he will make sure you receive it.   For example, your illegitimate president was in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania this weekend: his last public appearance prior to his hush money criminal trial, which b egan today. Trump has claimed many times that he is a better President than Abraham Linco ln, therefore it was no surprise that he made his own “Gettysburg Address.” The following is a small part of his ridiculous, ignorant, and incohere nt ramblings.   [ TRUMP: Gettysburg, wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look, and to watch, and, uh, the statement of Robert Lee— who's no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor —”Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphil l.”   [TRUMP: What an unbelievable, I mean it was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious, and horrible —and so beautiful in so many ways.]   He Obviously ha s no Understanding About the Significance

Florida is Building a New Tourist Site: Germany in the 1930’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Wannabe Fuhrer Ron DeSantis is at it again. His attempt to turn Florida into a fascist haven for men and women who hate America has been given more tools to accomplish the destruction of one of our nation’s most popular to urist destinations for people from around the world.    DeSantis’ Florida would be pure white, “Christian,” and only heter osexuals would be allowed to cross its borders. The governor of Florida has become one of the images we see when faced with the title of “Republican.”   DeSantis ’ latest actions involve two additional weapons for his state’s Gestapo.   HB 601 will weaken the power of oversight boards, giving additional powers to all law enforcement agencies.   SB 184 sets a 25-foot "no-go" zone around police and first responders who are "engaged in the lawful performance of a legal duty."   This law will prevent the free press and these same oversight agencies from observing the process at any designated crim