
Showing posts with the label American Fascist Party

Putin Remains America’s Greatest Enemy, and a Greater Danger and Villain to the World than Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I learned in school about the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi horde. I was about 12 when I read about the egomaniac who sought the elimination of an entire population and world domination. As a Catholic, we were taught about Judaism and the people who lived their lives according to the laws contained in the Torah. It was unimaginable that one man’s hatred would be responsible for the torture and deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children. Could this happen again today in America? PUTIN IS WORSE THAN HITLER In 2024, the world is facing an even greater threat to the continued existence of humankty. His name is Vladimir Putin. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a crime against every person in the world. He is slaughtering innocents for no reason other than to satisfy his own inflated ego. This little man obviously has “Bonapart’s Syndrome.” He is killing men, women, and children who have close ties with other men, women, and children in R

For Our Country’s Future, If Trump Makes Demands, ‘Just Say No’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s own words and actions offer undeniable proof that he hates the America of our Founding Fathers. Therefore, as he faces multiple criminal trials, if he makes demands, just say no. Trump is a traitor, a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, a xenophobe, and a homophobe. Why should anyone care what matters to what historians call “the worst president in American history?” Trump Knows What All True Americans Know: He is Guilty of Every Accusation Made Against Him “Lock him up.” If justice matters in America today, Trump will spend the remainder of his pathetic life in a prison. I ask a serious question: “why is the mainstream media afraid to call Trump what he is; a traitor?” Add to this the fact that Democrats lack the courage to tell Trump and the American people that Trump is America’s greatest enemy and unfit to hold any office at any level in America, and it is easy to see what is wrong with our nation in the 21 st century: no one has the courage to do

Not Needed, but Here’s More Evidence That Trump is Following Hitler’s Playbook Exactly as it was Written

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Fascist leaders, Fuhrers, demand complete loyalty, obedience without questions, and forbid free thought. This is one of the ways Adolf Hitler took complete control of Germany and the German people in the 1930’s. TRUMP WANTS TO ADD HIS NAME TO THE LIST OF WORLD TYRANTS Rule by a single man is the ambition of every tyrant in the world, past and present. The names of today’s dictators include Vladimir Putin, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Trump has praised all of these autocrats, but none equal to his handler, Vladimir Putin. After Super Tuesday, Trump made another fascist demand, the same demand from Hitler in Nazi Germany. He requires unfettered loyalty from all Republicans. Here was his statement calling for complete unity. “We’re getting rid of the Romneys of the world,” he said, adding that, “we wanna get Romneys and those out.” If this is not a clear message of Trump’s intent to remove the few true R

Coward Moscow Mitch McConnell Runs Away After Permanently Damaging his Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For more than 40 years, Moscow Mitch McConnell had one goal. He wanted to make his party, the once Grand Old Party, the most powerful in Washington for the remainder of his life. Not once did he accomplish anything which resulted in positive benefits for all Americans. THE DO NOTHING PARTY It is Moscow Mitch who created the “party of no” in January of 2009, promising that his party would do nothing until “that man was out of office.” Until this very day, he kept that promise. It was his obstructionist party which prevented the passage of legislation in 2023. In a normal year, the number of bills passed by congress ranges between 200-600. Last year only 34 pieces of legislation reached President Biden’s desk. PREVENTING THE VOTING PUBLIC FROM KNOWING THE TRUTH It was Moscow Mitch who prevented the American people from knowing that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our 2016 election in support of Donald Trump. When every security agency confirmed this fact in Octo

I Must Admit that for the First Time, I Agree with Ann Coulter

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I lost count of the number of times I told my wife, “I wish Trump would simply die.” I have watched this brainless, spineless, obese, old, white man cause more damage to my country over the last nine years than all other situations and incidents in my 77 years combined. It’s time to rid our nation of the one man who hates America and would shred the Constitution if he had remained in office after the 2020 election. When Trump came into power in 2017, fascists found a leader. Neo-Nazi groups had a fat, old, white man in the White House, and he openly protected them from the beginning. I have written hundreds of articles exposing the orange buffoon for online newspapers and my own blog. However, there are no words to describe my true feelings for the worst man in our nation’s history, and maybe the world. So, imagine my joy and surprise when one of the worst, most radical and controversial women in America shared my disdain for the man she once praised.

Donald “the Liar” Trump, Moscow “Mitch” McConnell, Ted “Cancun” Cruz, and Many Others Have Created the Worst Government in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I don’t care if anyone reads this: I simply had to vent my disgust with Trump and his “MAGA Party.” They choose not only to ignore most Americans, they intentionally divided our nation and have a single goal: to shred the Constitution of the United States of America. The leaders of this new “American Fascist Party” have been Trump, Moscow Mitch, and Cancun Cruz over the last seven years. Are these they type of old, white men you would choose to lead the nation founded by Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison? I hope not. Let’s look at the lack of principles, morality, and character of these three men. It won’t take long because none of them deserve respect. Ted Cruz was the most hated man in his own party when he arrived in the Senate in 2013. His first effort was to attempt a government shutdown. One of his constituents, Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, told the press: “If someone shot and killed Cruz on the floor of the S

Massive Corruption within the Republican Party and the Entire Judicial System Will Prevent Trump from Paying for his Crimes

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I offer you my first and last conspiracy theory. Ordinarily I abhor any such efforts to influence America’s voters. However the evidence in this situation is overwhelming and cannot be disputed by anyone with average intelligence. During the 2016 campaign, Trump told his cult: “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said at a campaign rally. Sadly this is a fact. Like their demagogue, his cult is composed of people with only three emotions focused on Americans of color, non-Christians, the LGBTQ community, and all women who demand equality: anger, hatred, and violence in his name. I was not surprised, but I was frightened and appalled when Trump was given a “free pass” for his confirmed Constitutional violations and never received a fair trial in Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Senate. This offered proof that Trump is above the law in the world of right-wing extremists. Trump has now been indicted five times fo

Trump’s Freedom Proves that in America There is No Liberty and Justice for All

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If treason is not punished as the greatest crime against our nation, there is no law in America. When Trump clearly lost the 2020 election and refused to accept the peaceful transference of power, which resulted in his planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup against his own government he should have been arrested immediately and placed in a federal prison awaiting trial for treason. If this does not fit the definition of “treason,” I don’t know what would. Treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. A violent attack on our most sacred democratic process is an act of war. Trump’s Neo-Nazi army was acting upon orders from their leader who happened to be a sitting president at the time. As for witnesses, mil

The Rapid Demise of the Party of Lincoln

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It began in 1981. It was a slow but study process. First, Republican politicians had their free thought removed. They were required to obey Ronald Reagan without question. By the time George W. Bush was given the Electoral College by the Supreme Court in 2000, complete loyalty and the surrender of dignity, principles, and morality began the absolute demise of the Party of Lincoln. Between 2017 and 2021, the Republican Party imploded and right-wing politicians became Republicans in Name Only. We should all demand that right-wing politicians change their party’s name to something more realistic. “The Donald Trump Party” is too pretentious. However, “The American Fascist Party” would be accurate and apropos. Every politician sitting on the right side of the aisle has surrendered themselves and their future to the worst man in the world, Donald John Trump. Every RINO in Washington has violated their oath of office in which these words are contained: “I swe

Today’s “Republicans” Are Represented by Ron Johnson

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump’s supporters in the House and Senate are an embarrassment to all true Republicans in the past and an affront to the most sacred intent of the Constitution. Right-wing politicians are now the party of baseless conspiracy theories, blatant falsehoods, and extremism. Gone but not forgotten is the once Grand Old Party, and no one on the right side of the aisle, not Moscow Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, nor Lauren Boebert is more of a perfect example of this new reality than Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. The right-wing has become so extremist, moved so far to the right, they must accept the new title of “The American Fascist Party.” Johnson has his nose so far up the obese old man’s humongous derriere he can smell the bullshit coming out of his mouth. His latest tale of fantasy concerns the recent pandemic known as Covid-19. Trump’s policy of “it will just go away” resulted in the deaths of more than one-million Americans. Johns