Today’s “Republicans” Are Represented by Ron Johnson


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Trump’s supporters in the House and Senate are an embarrassment to all true Republicans in the past and an affront to the most sacred intent of the Constitution. Right-wing politicians are now the party of baseless conspiracy theories, blatant falsehoods, and extremism. Gone but not forgotten is the once Grand Old Party, and no one on the right side of the aisle, not Moscow Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, nor Lauren Boebert is more of a perfect example of this new reality than Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson.

The right-wing has become so extremist, moved so far to the right, they must accept the new title of “The American Fascist Party.”

Johnson has his nose so far up the obese old man’s humongous derriere he can smell the bullshit coming out of his mouth. His latest tale of fantasy concerns the recent pandemic known as Covid-19. Trump’s policy of “it will just go away” resulted in the deaths of more than one-million Americans. Johnson claims that none of this is true.

On Fox, Johnson claimed that the murderous virus was “preplanned” by elitists on the left.

“This is all pre-planned by an elite group of people,” Johnson said when discussing the pandemic and vaccines with the right-wing TV host, adding that this group wants “to take total control over our lives.”

I find it very interesting that a man who supported a fascist president and a member of the right-wing propaganda machine which has brainwashed the American people for more than 25 years are claiming that progressives such as myself want to control the lives of others. The right-wing has descended to the level of the Christian Religious Right they support, and its world of fairytales and fantasy.

Johnson offered this parcel of bull excrement after millions of Americans watched three hours of a violent and murderous insurrection.

[Johnson suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (and House Democrats) voted to impeach Donald Trump for his role in the January 6 riot at the US Capitol as a way to cover up her own culpability for what happened that day. (There’s no evidence to back up that claim.)

 Johnson said that he saw no evidence that January 6 was an “armed insurrection.” (There’s lot of evidence it was, including hours of film recorded on January 6.)]

As the number of Americans dying from Covid-19 began to rapidly increase, Johnson offered the following advice.

“By the way, standard gargle mouthwash, has been proven to kill the coronavirus,” Johnson said, according to a report in Newsweek. “If you get it, you may reduce viral replication. Why not try all these things?” (Nope!)

Most importantly, Johnson is a pathological liar. He promised his supporters that he would refuse to serve more than two terms. He ran for a third in 2022 and won.

It is an undeniable fact that no one in Washington can be trusted. This “disease” has spread to every entity in America with great wealth and/or power. I have no faith in anyone with power over me. They are only concerned with their own futures, not the future of our nation and 330 million people. Our nation has become a country without laws, compassion, truth, or common sense.

If you vote for any Republican you are voting against your own needs and wishes. The Party of Lincoln has been dead and buried for the last 42 years.

Op-ed by James Turnage




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