Trump’s Freedom Proves that in America There is No Liberty and Justice for All
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
If treason is not punished as the greatest crime against our
nation, there is no law in America. When Trump clearly lost the 2020 election
and refused to accept the peaceful transference of power, which resulted in his
planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup against his own
government he should have been arrested immediately and placed in a federal
prison awaiting trial for treason. If this does not fit the definition of “treason,”
I don’t know what would.
Treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist
only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them
Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the
testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open
A violent attack on our most sacred democratic process is an
act of war. Trump’s Neo-Nazi army was acting upon orders from their leader who
happened to be a sitting president at the time. As for witnesses, millions of
others like me and my wife watched all three hours of the darkest day in America’s
At the very least, this was sedition.
Sedition: Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines
and prison time. Sedition is inciting revolt or violence against a lawful
authority to destroy or overthrow it. Every word is a perfect fit for the actions
which occurred on January 6, 2021.
Regardless, Trump should not be a free man. No radical Muslim,
no domestic terrorist is as great a threat to our nation’s future as the worst
president in America’s 247-year history.
First, and of greatest importance, he is not an American. He
hates our nation and his only goal is to become the first dictator of a fascist
regime. His allegiance is to Vladimir Putin. Trump’s admiration for the Russian
dictator began in 1987 when he made his first visit to Moscow at the invitation
of the KGB. This is a fact hidden from the American people by the mainstream
media. However with a few clicks of your computer, you can find the truth.
Men and women have been executed by the federal government
for less severe crimes than those committed by Donald John Trump. However, none
of them were politicians or individuals of great wealth.
In America, justice is not blind, and justice is not real.
Money and power trump equality and fairness. It is a two-tiered system, and the
facts prove that hypocrisy is rampant in law enforcement and the courts.
Every man and woman who loves their country must ask themselves
how it is possible that Trump is a free man. His entire life is a tale of
criminality and the use of other people’s money for his personal gain.
This old, obese malignant narcissist should never have
become our nation’s president. However, if you claim to be a “Republican,”
anyone can become our country’s president.
Op-ed by James Turnage
My nine novels are available here:
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