Above All, Never Forget the Darkest Day in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

My wife and I were watching something on television on January 6, 2021 when the broadcast was interrupted. We watched as your illegitimate president stood on a hastily constructed platform and addressed his “people.”

An apparently all white crowd holding Trump banners, and wearing his ridiculous red hats cheered as he began to speak. He told the ignorant crowd that the 2020 election was buried in fraud, and that he had won the election. Therefore, he commanded them to march to the Capitol Building and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote in any way possible. Then he told them that he would be with them, but quickly marched back into the safety of the White House.

For the next three hours we watched in horror as an angry and murderous crowd smashed windows and doors, struggling with the Capitol Police to enter the chambers where our legislative branch was in session. We heard chants of “let’s get Pence,” and the same for Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

We were in shock. So much stupidity and disrespect for our nation’s Eonce peaceful transition of power was evident in the actions and words from the worst of America. We couldn’t shed the tears we felt inside. I was an old man who never dreamed that I would see treason in action against my country. This will always be known as “the darkest day in American history.”


It’s not surprising that Trump has become a demagogue for millions of uneducated and uninformed Americans whose hatred for anyone who is not pure white stands loud and proud whenever the orange criminal is near.

These individuals are in deep denial. More than 60 state’s courts and Trump’s own stacked Supreme Court threw out every case related to the 2020 election, citing a lack of any evidence. Trump’s own Election Czar called the election the “most secure and safe election in history.”

Liars like Trump cannot exist if their supporters demand the truth. However, these men and women believe Trump because they want to believe his lies. This situation first appeared in 1930’s Germany when Adolf Hitler wrote, “if you tell the people a lie often enough, they will eventually accept it as the truth.”


The damage to our nation’s Capitol was unforgivable and disgusting. A mob, wild with anger and hatred for our country defiled offices and the two chambers where our nation’s laws are passed in a democratic and legal process. These “people” displayed their lack of respect for what makes our nation the most respected in the free world.

I will always ask why Trump was not immediately charged with sedition and treason and removed from the White House immediately.

Trump’s fascist supporters continue to place an old, white, obese man on a pedestal although he is a traitor to his country, a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, whose low level of intellect is damaged by a disease known as malignant narcissism.


Trump is not a working man. He has only two reasons for seeking a second term: to please his handler, Vladimir Putin, and to regain the power to pardon himself for his many serious crimes, most significantly treason and multiple violations of the Espionage Act.

Trump knows he is guilty on all 91 counts against him. He knows that a federal prison is extremely possible. It is logical to assume that “Big Adolf” could die in an orange jumpsuit.

Trump has only himself to blame for everything which is happening to him today. He is America’s biggest criminal, and the world’s most hated man. The orange felon is living in fear. He knows that his biggest mistake in his pitiful life was deciding to run for the presidency. He accomplished nothing in four years because he had no idea what he was doing, and had no interest in working for the American people.

Finally, for his crimes against his country and humanity in general, he should be sent to prison for the remainder of his worthless and insignificant life. Not once in his nearly 78 years has he accomplished something positive for another human being.

He is not of this world and not of this country. DJT would never be my president because I am a true American.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart, because the truth lives here

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