Since When Does “Just Doing Your Job” Include Treason?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Four indictments, more than 90 felony counts, no plausible defense, and a history of criminal activity, and the only defense offered by Trump and his co-conspirators is, “I was just doing my job.”

Justice in America is not blind, not balanced. It favors the rich and powerful and at the same time punishes minorities, the poor, and anyone who might be considered less fortunate to the maximum allowed by law.

Records prove that Trump’s final Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, was complicit in the planning and organization of the insurrection on January 6, 2021. He is one of the men who was indicted this week in Georgia for interfering in the results of our 2020 election. His only defense to date is, “I was just doing my job.”

The indictment includes this desperate defense: Meadows asks for Georgia charges to shift to federal court, claiming he was doing his job. Aiding a coup is not your job, nor is following orders of a criminal wannabe dictator. — Jill Wine-Banks (@JillWineBanks) August 15, 2023

One undeniable fact is if you worked for Donald Trump, your primary purpose was to protect him from being punished for his many, many crimes. The truth is, this and assisting him in an effort to halt the certification of the Electoral College vote were Meadows’ only two responsibilities.

There is validity in the adage claiming “a man is judged by the company he keeps.” This is especially true when speaking or writing about Trump and his inner circle. He surrounded himself with the worst possible men and women. Not since Howard Taft had America experienced their such a level of corruption and an atmosphere composed of falsehoods and depravity. His only two legitimate aides were second Chief of Staff, John Kelly, and first Secretary of Defense, James Mattis. These two men now oppose any future political endeavors by Trump.

You might remember some of the names, not for their accomplishments, but for their crimes and failures: Jeff Sessions, Betsy DeVos, Wilbur Ross, Tom Price, Steve Mnuchin, Ben Carson, Scott Pruitt, Rick Perry, Ryan Zinke, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, and Mike Pompeo. These men and women were the first and likely the worst. Trump’s cabinet and aides came and went in and out of the White House through a revolving door. During 2020, his last year in office, Trump was unable to find anyone to fill many of the positions in the White House which were empty due to resignations or were fired by their boss.

Trump is having the same problem with finding qualified attorneys to work with him today. The best he can get are clowns like Rudy Giuliani.

During his campaign, Trump told his cult, “I will have the best people working for me in the White House.” If these are “the best,” what would he consider the worst? Scary, isn’t it?

Op-ed by James Turnage


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