
Trump’s “People” Speaking Away from the Television Cameras

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is no doubt that the men and women who worked in the White House will tell the truth about their experiences working for the madman pretending to be your president between 2017 and 2021. However, some are beginning to leak sections of the insanity created by the malignant narcissist whose ego needs constant care. The most recent to come forward and talk about her feelings is Hope Hicks. [Trump advisor Hope Hicks texted another White House aide on Jan. 6, 2021: “We all look like domestic terrorists now.”] The term “domestic terrorist” did not begin with the Trump administration. However, he and his fascist gang defined it for four years. Thanks to Moscow Mitch McConnell’s refusal to give Trump a fair trial after two impeachments in the House offered proof that he and his Washington Mafia were indeed above the law. Today, even after acts of sedition and treason, he remains a free man. Over four years there were only two questions on the application to work

“War, What is it Good For, Absolutely Nothin’”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   America’s government loves wars. According to politicians, “they are good business.” However, since the 1950’s our military has proven that we are not very good at military confrontations. In fact, we have lost every war since WWII. The wars waged by our government have cost much more than the lives of our finest young men and women, they have prevented funding for social programs which would greatly improve the lives of all Americans. The cost of waging war has damaged the quality of life for every working class American for decades. Waging unwinnable wars has divided our nation and destroyed faith in leadership; deservedly so. Loss of life WWII until today. WWII, 405,399 Korean Conflict, 36,516 Vietnam War, 58,220 Gulf War, 294 Afghanistan, 2,325 Iraq, 4,492 If I eliminate WWII, a conflict not initiated by the United States, I ask a fair question: “what did our nation accomplish in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, or Iraq? The truth is, we left eac

Trump is an Ugly Man, Inside and Out, but His Georgia Mug Shot Exposes the Clown Inside

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   No one with an average IQ has ever taken Trump seriously; he is not a serious man. He has never said anything of importance in 77 years. However, political cartoonists continue to create caricatures displaying Trump as a fool, a charlatan, and a buffoon for decades. He has no sense of humor, because humor requires intelligence. Facts prove that nothing coming from Trump’s pie hole has impressed anyone with average intelligence. In fact, we reject his baseless lies and conspiracy theories. When he was arrested in Georgia last week and posed for his mugshot, he attempted to appear fierce. What a joke. Trump is a bully and all bullies are cowards. Around the world Trump’s mugshot is creating laughter. Laughter at the picture itself, and laughter at the man beneath who continues to prove that he cannot be taken seriously. Mark Hamill, a.k.a. Luke Skywalker, couldn’t resist commenting immediately. “Wonder if he’s tired of winning yet,” wrote Star Wars actor Hamill,

Hey, Lard Ass, the Last Time You Weighed 215 Pounds is the Day You Were Born

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When Trump was indicted late last week in Georgia related to interference in the 2020 election, a “mug shot” was taken, and he was required to fill out a form listing his vitals. He listed his weight at 215 pounds. Stop laughing! He has not experienced a weight of 215 pounds for decades. Most recent photos reveal that his weight is more likely near 300 pounds. It's normal to gain weight with age. For the majority of my life, I weighed 175 pounds. Today, at age 77, and three weeks young than Trump, I weigh 210 pounds. I am just under six feet tall and in relatively good shape for my age and physical ailments. Trump is six-feet-three inches tall and obviously feeble. His diet is unhealthy, composed of fats and sugars. If his weight is 215 pounds, I am the king of the world. Trump’s entire life was built on lies, felonies, and misdemeanors. His mug shot reveals the heart and soul of a man composed of evil. Some may think he was being facetious; not true. This

Ignore the Lying Press, What Are the Problems Facing America Today?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Fact: the mainstream media, in collusion with your corrupt government, fails to report many stories which would reveal the truth about America in the 21 st century. This proves that our nation is moving closer to fascism than many would like you to believe. Here are some headlines from Google this morning which reveal the real problems facing America today. [Gunman kills three, himself in racially motivated shooting, Jacksonville sheriff says] [Trump raised $7.1 million after Georgia booking, mugshot] ['Walking with our ancestors': Thousands fighting for civil rights attend March on Washington] [DeSantis super PAC pumps more than $12 million into major ad buy] Although I believe the number one issue remains healthcare, followed closely by affordable or free education, there are others not discussed by the mainstream media, although they affect every man, woman, and child in America. The tragic murders in Jacksonville this weekend r

Trump’s Freedom Proves that in America There is No Liberty and Justice for All

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If treason is not punished as the greatest crime against our nation, there is no law in America. When Trump clearly lost the 2020 election and refused to accept the peaceful transference of power, which resulted in his planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup against his own government he should have been arrested immediately and placed in a federal prison awaiting trial for treason. If this does not fit the definition of “treason,” I don’t know what would. Treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. A violent attack on our most sacred democratic process is an act of war. Trump’s Neo-Nazi army was acting upon orders from their leader who happened to be a sitting president at the time. As for witnesses, mil

How Much Do You Know About Social Security and the COLA?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On August 14, 1935, the greatest President in history signed the Social Security Act. Contributions from both employer and employee would guarantee every working man and woman an income after retirement. It would cost the federal government nothing. Everything our government tells you is a lie, or at best a ‘half-truth.’ I know because I am one of 66 million American seniors who receive Social Security. Many of us have no other income than what we receive from our many years of participation in the only perfect law in our nation’s history. For our entire working lives we and our employers participated in the program, a plan intended to be self-sustaining. However, our corrupt government began diverting funds designed to provide for the retirement of our oldest citizens almost immediately, and in the 21 st century our only source of income is in danger of experiencing alterations which could adversely affect our most vulnerable citizens. This is another attack

He Will Not Be Missed

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Corruption, Constitutional violations, controversy, constant investigations, and lies to mislead, divide, and brainwash the weak-minded, this was the Trump presidency between January 20, 2017 and January 20 2021. He survived by encouraging anger, hatred and violence directed at anyone and everyone who failed to serve him and his vile agenda. His final action as a sitting president was ordering his Neo-Nazi army to overthrow the certification of the Electoral College vote. s HHHH is is Yesterday, 8/24/23, Trump was indicted for felonies committed in Georgia related to the 2020 election. This was his fourth indictment in 2023. The consensus is that if he loses in a single case, there is no possible way he could win the presidency on November 5, 2024. Unlike the mainstream media, I will be overjoyed when the name Trump is no longer anywhere in the news. He is never “news,” repeating the same old baseless attacks and spewing hatred from his piehole. Not

Billionaires are Also Plutocrats and Plutocrats are A**holes: But I’m Being Redundant

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   [Plutocrats: an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.] The entire right wing of our political spectrum is owned by billionaires. In 2017, a plan to move our capitalistic society into a plutocracy was completed by a wannabe billionaire who was pretending to be our president. The situation began in 1981 when another failed “Republican” was inaugurated. Ronald Reagan’s lies fooled many real Americans, including yours truly. I will tell you the truth no one else is willing to offer you. The TEA Party was created by the Koch brothers with the assistance of other billionaires. Its purpose remains gaining complete control or our nation’s government to secure their personal ambitions. This group of anti-Americans gave birth to an even more radical and destructive group calling themselves “the Freedom Caucus.” In 2016, billionaire Robert Mercer took control of Donald Trump’s campaign in August and the rest is part of America’s dark hist

Billionaires are Also Plutocrats and Plutocrats are A**holes: But I’m Being Redundant

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   [Plutocrats: an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.] The entire right wing of our political spectrum is owned by billionaires. In 2017, a plan to move our capitalistic society into a plutocracy was completed by a wannabe billionaire who was pretending to be our president. The situation began in 1981 when another failed “Republican” was inaugurated. Ronald Reagan’s lies fooled many real Americans, including yours truly. I will tell you the truth no one else is willing to offer you. The TEA Party was created by the Koch brothers with the assistance of other billionaires. Its purpose remains gaining complete control or our nation’s government. This group of anti-Americans gave birth to an even more radical and destructive group calling themselves “the Freedom Caucus.” In 2016, billionaire Robert Mercer took control of Donald Trump’s campaign in August and the rest is part of America’s dark history. Mercer is the fina

I Just Realized that Tonight, August 23, 2023, the Republican Party is Holding a “Debate”

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I didn’t realize until later in the day, today, that a group of fake Republicans are holding a debate this evening. I never thought about it because not a single man or woman who has declared his or her intention to win the right-wing nomination for the presidency in 2024 is qualified to become America’s president. None of those on the list are fit for public office at any level: including your former/worst president in American history. I think back to the 2016 campaign. It was a farce from beginning to end. There was never a debate. Each of these side shows was an affront on our political system. No issues were involved. Each of these debacles became focused on personal attacks. 17 men and women rode in the clown car, and the greatest buffoon in history emerged as the winner. It was of no concern to his party that he was woefully unqualified, a confirmed sexual predator, and a close personal ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Then, with assi

History and Religion are Inseparable and Explain the Chaos and Evil Which Exists Today

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I admit that I had little interest in the study of history when I was in high school. However when it was not a required class, my interest in what shaped the world in which I existed became of great interest to me. A large part of our country’s people want to cease educating our young men and women about parts of America’s past. They are making great efforts to hide the truth about slavery, and the facts about the LGBTQ community. Their message is simple; “Christian white people can do no wrong.” The history of the world is also the history of religion. They are inseparable. Wars, the loss of millions of innocent lives, and the suffering of all mankind, are the results of religious bigotry and fanaticism. Everything which is wrong in the world and our nation in the 21 st century is the manifestation of the desires of religious leaders to maintain lives of power, influence, and great wealth. Fact: all religions were created by men seeking power over others. T

Welcome to the New America Where You Can Expect Anger, Hatred, and Violence Wherever You Go

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I’m old enough to remember when the news contained some positive and even uplifting stories. Of course, that was more than 50 years ago. Today’s television news would never report something which does not contain sensational stories, bringing emotions to the surface, guaranteed to increase advertising dollars. This story is not entirely about domestic terrorism and the gun violence which accompanies these tragedies. It is about a new atmosphere of anger, hatred, and violence which dominates our daily life and therefore television news. Like mass shootings, we hear about the commission of hate crimes almost daily. Before Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported an 80 percent rise in hate crimes committed against minorities, various non-white ethnicities, non-Christians, members of the LGBTQ community, and women. In 2021 a rise of 12 percent from 2020 was recorded with 65 percent of those crimes committed for

No One is Addressing the Growing Exodus of America’s Teachers and Nurses

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Right-wing politicians would like you to believe that the most important issue in America is the reelection of Donald Trump in 2024. These men and women have renounced democracy and are planning a replacement for our democratic government in the form of autocratic rule. This is necessary to protect the plutocracy they created over the last 42 years. Please do not discount this fact. I abhor conspiracy theories, but I have been writing about American politics for 10 years and I pay attention. The very existence of our beloved country is questionable. Serious problems have been completely ignored by today’s Republicans In Name Only. Universal Healthcare, immigration reform, the high cost of education, growing racism, and the subjugation of women are among the issues important to most Americans. Republican simply don’t care. However, two of the most important issues have been completely ignored by politicians, the media, and will become a major crisis w

Forever Known as the “Queen of Baseless Conspiracy Theories,” MTG Must be Removed from the House

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Okay, let’s be honest, no one else appears willing to do so. Dozens, if not hundreds of men and women who have pretended to be public servants in the House or Senate have been batshit crazy and totally incompetent, unworthy of serving in the government of the United States. A significant number of these enemies of the American people have been sexual predators and criminals. The list varies. Political bias hides the truth all too frequently. However, the facts remain. If we focus only on the most infamous politicians who were removed from office or charged for their felonious activities, we would be focusing only on the likes of Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, and earlier villains including Spiro Agnew, Nixon’s first Vice-President, and Ted Stevens, Republican Senator from Alaska, who is infamous for his “bridge to nowhere.” When politics is involved, corruption and perversion are expected. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” No

How the Media Colluded in Both the Demise of the GOP and the Fourth Estate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   As a very young man I watched the evening news on television in the 1950’s and 60’s. Long before the time when satellites were launched giving everyone the ability to see and hear events around the world as they happen, one half hour of news on our local network kept us informed of important events happening around the globe. Legendary newsmen with names like Cronkite, Murrow, and Chancellor offered their viewers information without opinion or inuendo, allowing watchers an opportunity to assess the information for themselves. There are no “news” shows remaining. “Television news” offers entertainment with a few facts thrown in occasionally. Here are some of the headlines on Google’s first page this morning, August 20, 2023. ‘I could sell golf’: How DeSantis and aides courted lobbyists for campaign cash Donald Trump's campaign lashes out at Ron DeSantis after he calls some supporters 'listless vessels' CBS News poll finds Trump's b

The Hypocrisy of Religion and Why Unlimited Freedom Must be Revoked

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The First Amendment promises freedom of religion, but not the freedom to include your personal choice in your employment or attempt to force your beliefs on others. Religion was and is an issue intended to be part of an individual’s private and personal life. It  guarantees your right to reject the influence of religion into your personal life, if that is your choice. [Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.] First Amendment, ratified at the end of the Constitutional Congress in 1789. Anyone who has read my rants for a long period of time knows that I am one of about 75 million Americans who reject organized religion. However, I want you to know that I defend the right of every human being to practice the religion of their choice o