I Just Realized that Tonight, August 23, 2023, the Republican Party is Holding a “Debate”


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I didn’t realize until later in the day, today, that a group of fake Republicans are holding a debate this evening. I never thought about it because not a single man or woman who has declared his or her intention to win the right-wing nomination for the presidency in 2024 is qualified to become America’s president. None of those on the list are fit for public office at any level: including your former/worst president in American history.

I think back to the 2016 campaign. It was a farce from beginning to end. There was never a debate. Each of these side shows was an affront on our political system. No issues were involved. Each of these debacles became focused on personal attacks.

17 men and women rode in the clown car, and the greatest buffoon in history emerged as the winner. It was of no concern to his party that he was woefully unqualified, a confirmed sexual predator, and a close personal ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Then, with assistance from Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media, he won the Electoral College on November 8, 2016.

There is no doubt that debates in the primary season are a waste of time. They prove nothing, and now president has ever been chosen after a debate. Kareem Abdul Jabbar writes that we might compare debates to the competition by professional sports. Americans love a contest between talented and competitive individuals. However, a Republican debate offers nothing which can be compared to a basketball, football, or baseball game.

There was no talent in last night’s “debate.” None of them were qualified to speak about the possibility of leading our nation.

After the pretend discussion each of the candidates claimed victory. If there was a winner, what did he or she win? The lack of intellect and experience was clear on a stage occupied by individuals who no longer believe in my America. They all share Trump’s vision for our nation’s future, and it’s dark, dismal, and dangerous.

The only possible winner is the worst man in the world because he refused to attend. Trump’s current lead in the polls is insurmountable. The truth is that the right-wing has no one qualified to lead our nation for four years. Their last two presidential candidates became the two worst presidents in our nation’s history.

George W. Bush ignored the warnings from our security agencies prior to 9/11. He placed our country in two unwinnable and illegal wars. The military conflict in Afghanistan became our nation’s longest war. His failed economic policies resulted in “the Great Recession.” President Obama fought to repair our economy for eight years, leaving office with our nation in full recovery mode.

Donald Trump needed only four years to undo every effort made by his predecessor. He violated the Constitution every day he was in office and ended his fascist reign of terror by attempting to overthrow our democratic government. History will prove that we will never have a worse man or woman occupying the White House.

The truth is that regardless of which individual the right-wing nominates, he or she will be unfit for office. This is based on the single fact that the once Grand Old Party no longer exists. These pretenders in Washington today share none of the principles or morals of their predecessors more than 40 years ago.

It is a sad fact that the future of America was in doubt after eight years of a failed George W. Bush administration. However by 2020 I was aware that Trump and his party succeeded in their efforts to destroy the Party of Lincoln once and for all.

As an Independent, this makes me sad.

Op-ed by James Turnage




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