The Hypocrisy of Religion and Why Unlimited Freedom Must be Revoked
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
The First Amendment promises freedom of religion, but not
the freedom to include your personal choice in your employment or attempt to
force your beliefs on others. Religion was and is an issue intended to be part
of an individual’s private and personal life. It guarantees your right to reject the influence
of religion into your personal life, if that is your choice.
[Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and
to petition the government for a redress of grievances.] First Amendment, ratified
at the end of the Constitutional Congress in 1789.
Anyone who has read my rants for a long period of time knows
that I am one of about 75 million Americans who reject organized religion.
However, I want you to know that I defend the right of every human being to
practice the religion of their choice or none at all. However, I do not defend
the fact that one entire political party continues to make efforts to make
Christianity our one true religion. I know that the First Amendment protects
religious freedom, but it does not protect attempts to deny equal rights to all
religions. The creation of the United States of America is based on this single
Our Founding Fathers left their birthplace after Kind George
III declared that the Anglican Church would be the only true religion withing
the British Empire.
My grandfather, a truly great man, was a devout Catholic and
he raised me to join him in his beliefs. However, he instructed me that
religious belief is a personal matter and should not be available for public
discussion. He also stressed resistance to the use of one religion to control
our thoughts and actions. I believe this admonition to this day and am appalled
with the fact that religious freedom has become a political issue. Evangelicals
continue to wage a thinly disguised war to put an end the practice of any religion
other than those based on the Christian bible.
I am aware that many of you will disagree with me, and
possibly curse me for my beliefs. This is a perfect example of why the stipulation
in the First Amendment is of great importance and at the core of what America
represents. In the 21st century there are multiple issues which
should not be issues. The right-wing of our political system constantly attacks
personal rights and freedoms. They no longer believe in the Constitution, with
the exception of the second amendment, and only then because the NRA gun lobby
contributes millions of dollars to their campaigns. The entire reason for their
support of the Christian Religious Right is based on votes, not reality or even
the worship of a god.
History proves that religious extremism is responsible for
more wars, more deaths, more atrocities than any other cause and effect
recorded by historians. Whether an individual believes in the precepts of
Christianity, Judaism, the Religion of Islam, Buddhism, the Church of
Scientology, Satanism, or any other recognized “religion,” no one with average intelligence
can deny that fantasy is involved. Every religious leader uses the same old
adage that their teachings are primarily a matter of faith, not founded in
I ceased my relationship with Catholicism because I never
received an honest or substantial answer to my many questions. The “will of God”
never satisfied my queries.
I am not attempting to change your beliefs. Quite the
contrary. I want you to have faith in your own decisions. However, this is what
you must do, realize that it is your decision and not a situation based on childhood
beliefs founded on the teachings of adults who were in control of your educational
and spiritual growth.
The greatest attribute shared by all humans is our ability
to think freely. All too frequently members of the human race blindly accept
the beliefs and ideas of others and embrace them as their own.
Sadly, this describes both politics in 21st century
America and the unconstitutional inclusion of a single religion into our daily
lives. Right-wing politicians, who in reality are godless fascists, falsely
claim that the United States was founded on a single religious belief. The
truth is simple and founded in the wording of the First Amendment. It was
founded on a deep belief in the right of all men and women to choose the religion
of their choice, or none at all.
Finally, in 2023 Christianity is experiencing a slight
decline while the Religion of Islam is growing among younger Americans.
However, for most of our younger citizens, “none of the above” is growing
faster than all organized religions combined.
Questions must be answered. This is at the core of free
thought. Initially, I choose to accept the beliefs of everyone. However I will
ask questions related to those beliefs. I believe that the truth is all too
often ignored and millions of Americans accept efforts to brainwash our people
exercised by television personalities and right-wing extremists.
Freedom is always under attack from those who seek power,
fortune, and fame. Religious leaders, politicians, and corporate America
constantly place themselves in positions to influence our thought process and
accept their hollow claims and allegations.
One of the worst presidents in American history offered one
piece of advice every American should cherish and include in their daily lives:
“trust but verify.” Simply put, question everything and accept nothing without a
strong foundation based in fact.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here:
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