“War, What is it Good For, Absolutely Nothin’”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


America’s government loves wars. According to politicians, “they are good business.” However, since the 1950’s our military has proven that we are not very good at military confrontations. In fact, we have lost every war since WWII.

The wars waged by our government have cost much more than the lives of our finest young men and women, they have prevented funding for social programs which would greatly improve the lives of all Americans. The cost of waging war has damaged the quality of life for every working class American for decades. Waging unwinnable wars has divided our nation and destroyed faith in leadership; deservedly so.

Loss of life WWII until today.

WWII, 405,399

Korean Conflict, 36,516

Vietnam War, 58,220

Gulf War, 294

Afghanistan, 2,325

Iraq, 4,492

If I eliminate WWII, a conflict not initiated by the United States, I ask a fair question: “what did our nation accomplish in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, or Iraq? The truth is, we left each of these nations in far worse situations than they were prior to our invasion of sovereign nations.

Not once in history, including two World Wars, has a war been won. Millions of lives were lost, families disrupted, trillions of dollars in damage, discord among nations, prejudice in the form of religious intolerance, and in general creating a more dangerous world were the only results. Nobody celebrates victory after a war, because there was no winner. Every man woman and child involved suffered irreparable pain. Celebrations were about the end of a disastrous event, and in most situations a huge mistake which was preventable.

The military of the United States of America receives nearly one-trillion dollars a year of our nation’s tax money. Estimates of waste by several watchdog groups are about fifty percent. In addition, it is a fact that America’s military no longer wins wars. More than 65 years after the cessation of hostilities in Korea, there is no truce. In 1975 we ran from Vietnam with our tails between our legs. The Gulf War was nothing more than an invasion which lasted a few days. Our military faced a disorganized and poorly trained group pretending to be a military force. Our nation’s invasion of Iraq was illegal. Our government lied about the dangers proposed by a third-rate nation. We are responsible for the civil unrest which remains today, and for the creation of ISIS. Our government told us that the reason for invading Afghanistan was to kill or capture the architect of 9/11. After it failed its mission, our military remained 20 years for apparently no reason. This became our nation’s longest war and another loss.

Until our country’s people become the priority, there is no opportunity for the United States to become a great nation. A fairly recent poll reveals that in the category of quality of life for its people, America ranks last among developed nations.

“War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothin’.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my nine novels here:  https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true




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