Ignore the Lying Press, What Are the Problems Facing America Today?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Fact: the mainstream media, in collusion with your corrupt government, fails to report many stories which would reveal the truth about America in the 21st century. This proves that our nation is moving closer to fascism than many would like you to believe.

Here are some headlines from Google this morning which reveal the real problems facing America today.

[Gunman kills three, himself in racially motivated shooting, Jacksonville sheriff says]

[Trump raised $7.1 million after Georgia booking, mugshot]

['Walking with our ancestors': Thousands fighting for civil rights attend March on Washington]

[DeSantis super PAC pumps more than $12 million into major ad buy]

Although I believe the number one issue remains healthcare, followed closely by affordable or free education, there are others not discussed by the mainstream media, although they affect every man, woman, and child in America.

The tragic murders in Jacksonville this weekend reveal two of the issues threatening the future of our nation in the 21st century: racism, and domestic terrorism with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Witnesses said that a man entered a Dollar Store in Jacksonville, Florida about 1:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and shot and killed three Black customers. He later killed himself. Other shoppers claim that it was clear that his targets were Black shoppers.

Hate crimes have reached an historical level in 2023. Minorities, non-Christians, members of the LGBTQ community, women, and undocumented immigrants have become targets of white supremacists and supporters of the Neo-Nazi movement in America.

This mass shooting is also another example of domestic terrorism, the greatest threat to all Americans. Sadly, no one seems to care about these escalating problems with the exception of the victims and their loved ones.

Donald Trump will be remembered by historians, but not for anything containing a positive or beneficial accomplishment. He will forever be known as our nation’s greatest traitor who organized, planned, and executed an attack on our democratic government. He will also be remembered as a failed leader who was responsible for tens of thousands of lives lost from the Covid-19 pandemic. He did nothing as our people died. In 2023, he has been exposed as our nation’s biggest lifelong criminal.

This is not the end of the story. His fascist cult continues to support him vocally and monetarily. After his fourth criminal indictment in Georgia this week, Trump has received about 7.1 million dollars in donations. Yes, Elizabeth, this country has gone to hell.

It is nearly impossible for me to believe that a man who openly hates our country and every citizen in it other than pure whites could be idolized by some who claim to be patriots. This is not my America.

Happening this weekend is a proud event which should not be necessary in the 21st century. Thousands of men, women, and children are marching in our nation’s capital, protesting the loss of our civil rights. In 2001, after the incompetent Bush administration failed to heed the warnings of our national security agencies, and our nation was attacked on September 11, 2001, our incompetent government began passing legislation they claimed would prevent future attacks by foreign terrorists. The worst of these was the “Patriot Act.” This unconstitutional law virtually nullified the Fourth Amendment. No one cared. Fear superseded the guarantees of the Constitution for all Americans. Since that tragic time, laws have been passed by right-wing extremists in red states preventing the First Amendment right to protest our grievances against a corrupt government, and voter suppression laws focused on minorities and the poor.

The last part of this story is about the man who will surely be known as the worst governor in our nation’s history. Ron DeSantis is an ignorant fascist who wants to be the President of the United States of America. Trump leads him by more than 30 points in the polls, and in the world of public opinion he is a pariah with the exception of in his own state of Florida.

DeSantis is openly fascist, homophobic, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and continues to prove that he has a very low level of intelligence. I have family living in Florida, and they support him. But once again, this is Florida, the strangest and most confusing state in the Union.

The press, once proud of the label, “the fourth estate,” has completely failed its primary purpose. It hides the truth from our people and protects the most corrupt government in the free world.

Finally, the greater part of the Bill of Rights no longer exists. All three branches of government, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial have become politicized and choose not to do the right thing for our nation’s people.

I was a man who savored hopes and dreams. However, in the latter years of my life, I have little hope for our nation’s future. We need great leaders, and I find none.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Sources: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/shooting-multiple-fatalities-dollar-general-store-jacksonville/


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