He Will Not Be Missed
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Corruption, Constitutional violations, controversy, constant
investigations, and lies to mislead, divide, and brainwash the weak-minded,
this was the Trump presidency between January 20, 2017 and January 20 2021. He
survived by encouraging anger, hatred and violence directed at anyone and
everyone who failed to serve him and his vile agenda. His final action as a
sitting president was ordering his Neo-Nazi army to overthrow the certification
of the Electoral College vote.
Yesterday, 8/24/23, Trump was indicted for felonies
committed in Georgia related to the 2020 election. This was his fourth
indictment in 2023. The consensus is that if he loses in a single case, there
is no possible way he could win the presidency on November 5, 2024.
Unlike the mainstream media, I will be overjoyed when the
name Trump is no longer anywhere in the news. He is never “news,” repeating the
same old baseless attacks and spewing hatred from his piehole. Not once in his
pitiful 77 years has he said anything relevant or of importance. And yet the
media loves him, proving the sensationalism and stupidity sell advertising.
My lifelong friend lives in Tennessee. It does not surprise
me that he will vote for a Republican, but not Trump. He claims that President
Biden is too old. However, it is a fact that on election day 2024 he and Trump
will be separated by only three years. I believe that both of these old, white
men are too old to represent our young country. More importantly, only one of
them is an American.
I will continue to believe that Trump is the worst thing to
happen to the United States in 247 years. Not the attack on December 7, 1941,
or the cowardly massacres on September 11, 201, caused as much damage to our
nation as the illegitimate presidency of Donald John Trump. On this day our
nation is as divided as it was during the Civil War. Like the Civil War, the issues
which separate our people will never find solutions. Trump supporters will
never allow all Americans to be treated equally. They do not believe in the
guarantees of the Constitution. They are Nazis and their only concern is
placing Trump in a position of being our nation’s first and last dictator.
I am proud to be an original “baby boomer.” Patriotism was
equal to my Catholic upbringing in my youth. However, at 77 years of age, I have
few reasons to be patriotic, and I rejected Catholicism when I was 16 years
old. The truth is that I did not change, my country changed. My rejection of
organized religions was based on free thought, unanswered questions, and a
rejection of fairy tales. I am proud, adamant, and righteous in my pleasure
that Trump has been revealed for his life of crime, sexual misconduct, and
refusal to serve his country as an elected official.
When the name “Trump” is no longer part of our daily “news,”
our country may be able to begin the process of healing.
Maybe I’m just an optimist, a pragmatist, but I believe that
only Americans should be allowed to become our nation’s president. Trump is far
from being an American. His or her title is “President of the United States of
America.” Trump has never once kept his oath of office. His loyalty lies
outside of our nation.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
Op-ed by James Turnage
My nine novels can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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