
In Just Three Days Trump Caused More Harm than All Other Presidents Combined and Continues to Shit on the Constitution

It’s “déjà vu all over again.” What Trump has done to our nation in just three days is far worse than his initial actions in 2017. He has undone many of the positive accomplishments of real presidents Obama and Biden. All of his actions support the current plutocracy and his 756 oligarchs. There is no doubt that his decision to pardon the traitors who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is an act of pure fascism and revenge. Trump is not concerned about the brave capitol police who lost their lives or the more than 150 who were injured. These Neo-Nazis were tried for their crimes in a court of law and deserved to be punished more severely than they were. Treason is the most egregious crime possible in America. He is not interested in the fact that trying these men and women who hate my America cost taxpayers millions of dollars and law enforcement thousands of hours. More than 1500 anti-Americans who sought to overthrow our democratic government are back among those of us ...

Guess Who: Egomaniac, Whiny Spoiled Rich Kid, Malignant Narcissist, Bully, the Most Hated Old Man in America

  He is very old and will be 80 in just 15 months. He wears a bad wig. He attempts to hide his lumpy skin with orange make-up. He is angry, filled with hate, and worships Hitler and Putin. Unable to accept even the smallest of criticisms, he flies into a rage easily. Still can’t name the man who is the focus of this article? I offer one more clue: he is the least qualified man in history to hold any public office. You got it! He is your 47 th president, but not mine: Donald “the Traitor” Trump. He is also known as “Don the Destroyer,” the late Jeffrey Epstein’s best friend, and “Putin’s Puppet.” There are many more, including my own, “Trumpenstein.” Every time I hear the name “Trump” I throw up a little in my mouth. When I hear his irritating voice I mute the television. The latter happens frequently because the failed mainstream media loves him and covers him constantly, although he is nothing but another boring, ridiculous, and sad reality show bad actor. Why am I writing this? ...

Has Elon Musk Always Been a Nazi?

  Co-president, Elon Musk, finished a speech at another Trump hate rally on Monday with the words, “thank you for making it happen.” Then he did something which might have surprised some, but not yours truly. He gave the crowd the infamous Nazi salute. Musk placed his right hand over his heart and snapped his arm forward at a 45-degree angle. Of course the buffoon denied any intent to pay homage to Hitler, Putin, Trump or their fascist beliefs. In response, the SpaceX and Tesla chief posted on X: "Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The 'everyone is Hitler' attack is sooo tired." However, he repeated the gesture, confirming that he was fully aware of what it signified. "My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured," the 53-year-old said, after giving the second one-armed salute. Okay, let’s discuss a few of the issues which confirm your new president is a Nazi. Trump has surrounded himself with many of our nati...

THE Weapon of Mass Destruction

Trump does not know how to accomplish anything. Like other worthless public service employees, he is an expert at undoing the great things accomplished by others. Trump is THE greatest weapon of mass destruction in history. In just a day and a half Trump 2.0 repeated his action of 2017. He issued many executive orders repealing the accomplishments of his predecessors, most specifically Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The “village idiot” is proud to have pardoned more than 1,500 Nazis who worship Putin and Hitler. Our government spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of man hours convicting the scum who attempted to overthrow our government. These are his people. What a “great” man. Now we know for certain what “Make America Great Again” really means. Welcome to the Nazi States of America. Trump is a poorly educated, illiterate old man, Therefore, he misused the word “accomplishment.” He believes that destroying something good is the same as accomplishing something. You el...

Convince Me that 8,000,000 Voters Changed Their Minds from 2020 and Voted for Trump in 2024: No F**king Way


If Your Last Name is Trump, Your Entire Life’s History is Built on Lies

It’s pitiful, but undeniably true. If this was an accurate description of my life, I would have committed suicide long ago. After researching Donald Trump for the last ten years, I know that your illegitimate president’s entire life’s story is built on lies. To this day, if his lips are moving, he’s lying. It was easy to learn that Trump’s educational history is manufactured, not earned. If this is untrue, why in 2017 did the old, obese, white man have all records related to his education sealed? I know from reading and watching the lowlights of his rallies that he never earned his diploma from Wharton and the same is undoubtedly true about his graduation from military boarding school. As he did to obtain deferments from serving in the Vietnam War, father Fred most certainly paid for his diplomas. Trump is virtually illiterate, refusing to or incapable of reading. His attention span is less than five minutes. Do you remember when he was in the Oval Office, on a rare occasion, engaged i...

Traitors Among Us Are Leading Us to Hell

I have feelings of overwhelming sadness today. I woke up this morning thinking about my life and how it was so very different from the obese old Nazi is now pretending to be your president. Trump was born on June 15, 1946. The day I came into this world was just three weeks later on July 7, 1946. Our paths never crossed. Trump’s path led him into the depths of everything which is wrong with the world today. He was born into a world of wealth and extreme white privilege and taught to hate anyone who was not like him. Money was his family’s god and achieving greater wealth was the family’s only goal. My family was probably considered poor when I was born in Lewiston, Idaho. However, my mother’s family was very warm and loving. The Catholic Church was at the center of their lives, and they lived according to those deep beliefs in what they were taught, a high moral standard, unbreakable principles, and respect for others,  The word “hate” was not in their vocabulary. Now that both of ...

Your President is a Nazi

Trump’s first action, after lying to God and the American people without his hand on the bible, was to take a huge dump on the Constitution and the graves of every soldier who fought bravely in WWII to save the world from fascism. Trump pardoned the leader of the Proud Boys and commuted the sentence of the leader of the Oath Keepers, the two leaders of Neo-Nazi groups who helped him plan and execute the attempted coup on January 6. This proves once and for all that Trump is the official leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, men and women whose ultimate goal is to overturn the government of the United States of America, and hand the reigns over to Vladimir Putin. Not a single Trump supporter can continue their denial that Trump is a Russian agent. By association and their brazen support for Trump, we can now confirm that all 756 billionaires in our nation are Nazi sympathizers, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg. We can also justify our suspicions that all leader...

A Failed Businessman, a Failed Man, and a Failed Traitor

All politicians, Democratic or Republican, make promises they cannot or will not keep. However, some politicians proffer blatant lies in the form of campaign promises. When Trump took the oath of office on Monday, he refused to place his hand on the bible. Why? It is an irrefutable fact that Trump’s only god is money. Is he a liar, an atheist, who pretends to support Christianity? Or is there some part of him who fears a God and knew that every word he was forced to repeat would be a lie? He lied on Monday as he lied during the campaign. If you trust the exit polls, the biggest issue was inflation, something Trump jumped on and promised to reduce prices at the grocery store. First and foremost, inflation was a lie. The situation was “Greedflation,” a situation created by greedy corporations, Trump supporters and the latest enemy of the American people. During his boring and misleading inaugural speech, he surreptitiously indicated that he would not be reducing the price of necessities....

In His Inauguration Speech We Saw and Heard the Same Old Trump

As I’m sure you know, I did not watch the inauguration today. As I began to read excerpts from Trump’s speech, I realized that I did not have to; it was the same Trump just eight years older and with declining mental acuity. What I noticed most, beginning with his first words, was his intent to end democracy and in its place create a fascist regime in Washington. If you are obsessed with history, as I am, you will remember Hitler’s speeches in 1930’s Germany encouraging extreme nationalism. This is the foundation for any fascist society. "The golden age of America begins right now," Trump said. "From this day forward, our country will flourish." "My top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous and free," Trump said in his address. Statements from those close to Trump in his formative years, 13-35, tell us that the malignant narcissist eagerly read Hitler’s speeches repeatedly. There is great similarity between Trump’s speech today, and...

American Indian Proverb: “If You Kill It, You Eat It”

The title of this article is intended for anyone ignorant enough to have voted for the worst man in our nation. It is meant to remind you that today you will get what you wanted. Today will likely be the end of America as I knew it for 78 years. Its demise came at the hands of millions of men and women who never appreciated the hopes and dreams of our Founding Fathers. America has become a nation whose citizens are more focused on immediate personal gratification than the future of our nation, including the people they claim to love; family, friends, and some they have not yet met who will become important in their lives The irony is that the very men and women who killed democracy on November 5, 2024 will suffer the most: they will be forced to accept and consume whatever is forced upon them by the plutocrats and their fascist protectors. They will be forced to “eat what they killed.” Today is a day of mourning: of great sadness. Millions of ignorant American citizens chose to vote fo...

Why Would Any Real American Watch Trump’s Illegal and Immoral Inauguration?

He hates my country. His loyalty is to Vladimir Putin, not to the American people. He not only violated the Constitution every day he was in office between 2017 and 2021, he continues attempts to shred our nation’s most sacred document with the exception of the Second Amendment, (He is indebted to the NRA). By his own words and actions, Trump is not an American. He cannot be given the label of “the American President.” He will lie with every word when he takes the oath of office on Monday. On Monday, I will celebrate a great man who deserves my respect, Dr. Martin Luther King, and look forward the CFB National Championship game tomorrow evening. As another dark moment in America’s history begins at 9 a.m. my time, I will be having breakfast and watching some television consisting of anything other than another embarrassing moment in my country’s history. Trump never was and never will be my president. I have followed politics in America to some degree since I was 10 years old in 1956. ...

Yes, Trump is Bat-Shit Crazy, but His Second Illegitimate Presidency has Goals

I will cherish this day, January 19, 2025. This day will likely be the las full day my America exists. Tomorrow, at noon, eastern time, Trump 2.0 will be sworn in as your president. The first time, January 20, 2017, became a tragedy worse than anyone could have imagined. This time, the least qualified, anti-American man alive has new powers. Thanks to their actions of cowardice and corruption, Merrick Garland and the Supreme Court offered undeniable proof that the lifetime criminal is above the law. The Court gave him absolute immunity, permitting Trump and his fascist army to do anything they please while ending democracy in America forever. If you are not embarrassed that tomorrow a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and the only sitting president to commit treason will place his slimy hand on one of his bibles, manufactured in China, and lie as he takes the oath of office, allowing him to defile the White House for four more years, you are nothing less than a complete idi...

Merrick Garland was a Huge Disappointment

  In February of 2016 the most radical right-wing Supreme Court ju stice, Antonin Scalia, died suddenly. There were nine months before the next election.    However, Moscow Mitch McConnell violated the rules specified in the Constitution, and made his own rule, claiming that no Supreme Court justice would be confirmed during an election year. He would break this rule for his own benefit in October of 2020. Merrick Garland was President Obama’s nominee.   I am one of many who believe that as our Attorney General under President Biden, Garland will be remembered as the worst in history. After Trump planned, organized, and executed a violent insurrection on January 6, 2021, no charges were filed by the Department of Justice.   My wife and I watched all three hours of the attempted coup, and there is no doubt Trump committed treason. The facts prove that if Garland had the courage to do his job, Trump wou ld not be taking the oath of office on Mond ay . Garland pla...

Why Trump’s Unconstitutional Inauguration Will be Held Inside the Capitol Rotunda

Monday at noon there will be a tragic event on the Hill. I will be in mourning for my country. An old, obese, mentally challenged man will take the oath of office as your illegitimate president. It will be another dark day in the saga of Donald John Trump. For the first, and God willing, the last time in our nation’s dark and sordid history a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and our nation’s biggest traitor will become your country’s 47 th and most controversial president. However, his inauguration will be held inside the Capitol Rotunda. The last time a presidential inauguration was held indoors was 40 years ago when another old man, Ronald Reagan, was inaugurated for his second term. The forecast for January 20, 1985 was a high of seven degrees at noon. Trump’s physical and mental health has been questioned by multiple politicos, including yours truly, and although the forecast for noon on Monday expects temperatures only in the 20’s, Trump is incapable of surviving the...

A Tale of One Patriotic President, and One Man Pretending to be the President to Save Himself

Part of this story is about Joe Biden and Trump. But to put this in perspective, we must discuss the failures of four Republican presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and of course, Donald John Trump. When each of the failed men left office, their successors inherited a big, f**king mess. George H.W. Bush was faced with growing unemployment, and an escalating national debt, the result of Reagan’s disastrous fiscal policy, “trickle-down economics.” However, Bush 41 adopted the same policy and the situation worsened. After only four years in office, William Jefferson Clinton, a Democrat, was chosen by the people in 1992. After the abject failure of the two Republican presidents before him, Bill Clinton’s first job was to repair a failing economy and reduce the unemployment rate. He chose the most qualified men and women as his closest advisers, and when he completed his eight years in the White House, unemployment was at an all-time low, and the national debt had b...