In Just Three Days Trump Caused More Harm than All Other Presidents Combined and Continues to Shit on the Constitution
It’s “déjà vu all over again.” What Trump has done to our
nation in just three days is far worse than his initial actions in 2017. He has
undone many of the positive accomplishments of real presidents Obama and Biden.
All of his actions support the current plutocracy and his 756 oligarchs.
There is no doubt that his decision to pardon the traitors
who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is an act of pure fascism
and revenge. Trump is not concerned about the brave capitol police who lost
their lives or the more than 150 who were injured. These Neo-Nazis were tried
for their crimes in a court of law and deserved to be punished more severely
than they were. Treason is the most egregious crime possible in America. He is
not interested in the fact that trying these men and women who hate my America
cost taxpayers millions of dollars and law enforcement thousands of hours. More
than 1500 anti-Americans who sought to overthrow our democratic government are
back among those of us who love our country.
Meanwhile, Trump, the architect and true villain of the
attempted coup. was allowed to remain a free man, and even worse allowed to run
for the presidency, although he clearly violated section three of the 14th
Another executive order revoked the Equal Opportunity
Employment Act. Once again he violated the Constitution. The 14th
Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. However, Trump is the
leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America and as their Fuhrer, he is openly
displaying the most grievous acts of racism and bigotry in history.
Trump may be your president, but he is not mine. I am an original
baby boomer, and will never disrespect the brave men and women who gave their
lives in defeat of fascism in WWII. Trump is not just a Nazi sympathizer, he is
a “card-carrying” Nazi.
Inside the Capitol Rotunda at noon on Monday, Trump took the
oath of office for a second time. Also for the second time he lied as he swore
to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against
all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He is our nation’s domestic enemy who shits
on the Constitution every day is allowed to continue living in my country.
I hate the fact that I have questions which go unanswered by
our government.
On January 6, 2021 I watched the violent events of what is
the darkest day in our nation’s history. As the violence escalated, I asked,
“where is our military? Why is this attack on our government not a priority for
our military leaders?” This was another attack against our nation within our
shores, and no one seemed to care.
Why was Trump not arrested and placed in a holding cell
immediately as the violence began? He had just stood on a makeshift stage, in
front of the television cameras, and ordered his Nazi mob to halt the
certification of the 2020 Electoral College vote about to begin in the Capitol.
This is pure treason, but the Department of Justice immediately placed Trump
above the law and allowed him to sit inside the White House and watch his thugs
act on his behalf. Their intent was to capture and kill Mike Pence and Nancy
America is a nation without laws. In no other nation in the
world would a despotic leader, who attempted to destroy their country, would
have been allowed to remain free. In many countries he would have been executed
on the White House lawn immediately.
Why on January 21, 2021, after President Biden officially
became our 46th president, did Attorney General Merrick Garland not
issue an arrest warrant for the fugitive, Donald John Trump?
Why did Trump’s stacked Supreme Court violate article 3 of
the 14th Amendment and allow him to run for office? The justices on
the Court are divided 6-3. The gang of six is making and breaking laws. This is
not their function. In the 21st century the Supreme Court is biased
and corrupt. Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett cannot be
trusted and do not deserve our respect.
Why is no one in our government questioning the results of
the 2024 election? We were told that Russia was once again interfering in our
election early in the campaign season. The results simply don’t make sense.
In 2020 Mr. Biden won the popular vote by a margin of over
seven million. He won the swing states and even a couple of red states. How is
it possible that such a huge change could happen when Trump had become a
convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and had committed treason and
violated the Espionage Act? Logic tells me that “something smells very bad in
Washington,” and it’s not simply the fact that the majority of our legislative branch
is composed of old, white men and their constant gaseous emissions.
Remember, we learned the truth in 2018. Our government knew
on the day Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017. that his election was
rigged by Vladimir Putin. He was an illegitimate president and should have been
removed from the dais immediately. He should never have been allowed to take
the oath of office. This proved that the America I knew for 78 years no longer
The government of the United States is the most corrupt in
the world, and under the current rules and regulations, it cannot be repaired.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Please follow my bog because the truth lives here
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