Traitors Among Us Are Leading Us to Hell

I have feelings of overwhelming sadness today. I woke up this morning thinking about my life and how it was so very different from the obese old Nazi is now pretending to be your president.

Trump was born on June 15, 1946. The day I came into this world was just three weeks later on July 7, 1946. Our paths never crossed. Trump’s path led him into the depths of everything which is wrong with the world today. He was born into a world of wealth and extreme white privilege and taught to hate anyone who was not like him. Money was his family’s god and achieving greater wealth was the family’s only goal.

My family was probably considered poor when I was born in Lewiston, Idaho. However, my mother’s family was very warm and loving. The Catholic Church was at the center of their lives, and they lived according to those deep beliefs in what they were taught, a high moral standard, unbreakable principles, and respect for others,  The word “hate” was not in their vocabulary.

Now that both of us are 78 years old, how we were raised is clearly revealed in our character, and our relationship to the world in general.

By his own speech we know that Trump is a bitter, and angry old man. He was sent to military boarding school at the crucial age of 13. Every time he speaks at one of his hate rallies, the content of his rants is primarily composed of anger, hatred, revenge, and violence.

I am proud to be a pacifist. I attempt to be more spiritual each day and try to treat everyone with compassion and understanding. I continue to be a man of little means, but I am blessed with a loving wife and a dog who is a gift from heaven. I have what I need and inside I feel gratitude for what I do have, not jealousy for what I do not.

Yesterday, one of the darkest days in American history, Trump pardoned about 1,500 traitors to my country. These were men and women who took part in the deadly insurrection on January 6, 2021. They will once again be living among us, free to continue spreading their message of hate, and planning the overthrow of our democratic government.

This illegitimate Trump presidency is already worse than the first. He is openly confirming that he is a Nazi and the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America.

To show his gratitude to those who attempted a coup on his behalf on January 6, he pardoned the leader of the Proud Boys, and commuted the sentence of the leader of the Oath Keepers. Trump proved to all willing to see that he is not an American citizen. He supports fascism and will shred the Constitution in the days to come.

None of this had to happen. The villains who helped destroy our nation have names we all know: Merrick Garland, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

In any other nation in the world if you watched all three hours of the darkest day in American history, you heard and witnessed Trump ordering his army of Nazi criminals to march to the Capitol and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. This cannot be described in any other way than an act of treason. The video record of this catastrophe would convict anyone in a court of law.

However, Merrick Garland was the Attorney General and the head of the Department of Justice. To this day he did nothing about the worst traitor in American history.

The other six names belong to corrupted, right-wing biased Supreme Court justices who violated the Constitution and gave Trump absolute immunity. Therefore, section three of the 14th Amendment no longer applied to him, although it clearly forbids anyone to run for office who participated in or offered aid to another who engaged in an insurrection.

America is a nation without laws; unless you are poor and definitely if you are a person of color. If you are one of the latter, you can expect the maximum punishment allowed in our corrupted court system.

I have many questions about the actions or lack of action by our government. My most recent questions involve the alleged assassination attempt on Trump, and the tragic events of January 6.

If a bullet from a high velocity rifle did nick Trump on his right ear, why did he duck behind a podium, and where did the bullet end its path. There was a wall of people behind the old, orange man: where did it go?

The answer to this next question is obvious: why has the video record of January 6 never been re-broadcast for all Americans to see? The answer is undeniable. Once again, our government is hiding the truth from our nation’s people.

This was the second time our leaders in Washington hid the evil related to Donald Trump

In October of 2016, a full month before the election, a meeting was held in the Oval Office. In attendance was President Obama, the Vice-President, Joe Biden, the leaders of both political parties, and the leaders of all 18 security agencies, who asked for the meeting. It was confirmed that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our presidential election.

However, the politicians decided to hide the truth from all American voters. This is how Trump became our country’s illegitimate president the first time.

Trust no one with enormous wealth and no one in a position of power over you.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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