American Indian Proverb: “If You Kill It, You Eat It”

The title of this article is intended for anyone ignorant enough to have voted for the worst man in our nation. It is meant to remind you that today you will get what you wanted.

Today will likely be the end of America as I knew it for 78 years. Its demise came at the hands of millions of men and women who never appreciated the hopes and dreams of our Founding Fathers.

America has become a nation whose citizens are more focused on immediate personal gratification than the future of our nation, including the people they claim to love; family, friends, and some they have not yet met who will become important in their lives

The irony is that the very men and women who killed democracy on November 5, 2024 will suffer the most: they will be forced to accept and consume whatever is forced upon them by the plutocrats and their fascist protectors. They will be forced to “eat what they killed.”

Today is a day of mourning: of great sadness. Millions of ignorant American citizens chose to vote for the villain they knew instead of a woman who promised real change. Although the mainstream media continues to protect Trump, it is impossible for any man or woman of average intelligence to be unaware of what this very old, mentally challenged Putin Puppet has done in his past and what he will do in the future.

One issue alone should have prevented Trump’s reelection.

Covid-19 caused enormous damage to our nation’s people and the economy. President’s must lead in times of crisis. However, although Trump was informed in December of 2019 that a health emergency was coming to America, he ignored it, telling our nation’s people that “it would just go away.” Trump is incapable and unwilling to be a leader.

In March of 2020, Americans began to die at an alarming rate. When Trump was evicted from the White House in 2021, more than one million Americans were dead, and the economy was moving towards a second Great Depression.

Health experts claim that if Trump had acted immediately to fight the coronavirus, at least 10 percent of the lives lost could have been saved. That is 100,000 men, women, and children. One of them could have been someone you loved.

Were you or someone close to you one of the tens of thousands of Americans who lost their jobs permanently?

Every American must be thankful that President Biden was chosen to lead our nation in 2021. From his actions to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine, which saved thousands of lives, to the stimulus checks which saved innumerable American jobs and thousands of small businesses, he showed our nation what it was like to have a real president in the White House.

However, millions of Americans forgot quickly and were only concerned with what was happening at the moment. How selfish our nation has become. The uninformed blamed Biden for what Trump labeled “inflation,” but is actually “Greedflation.” Trump’s friends are the reason for the increase in prices of necessities. Neither of the two reasons for inflation were present: lack of raw material or lack of a suitable workforce to provide necessary commodities.

With Trump in complete control of all three branches of government, only the worst will happen. Prices will rise even more as tariffs are placed on imports. The quality of life for most or our nation’s citizens will once again move to a new, lower level.

Today is not a day for celebration. Yesterday we had a working president who loved his country and its people. Today we have a man in charge who hates his country, only cares for himself, and the single reason for wanting to once again be the president was to remain a free man, not spending the remainder of his life in a federal prison. Trump only cares about Trump.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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