Your President is a Nazi
Trump’s first action, after lying to God and the American
people without his hand on the bible, was to take a huge dump on the
Constitution and the graves of every soldier who fought bravely in WWII to save
the world from fascism.
Trump pardoned the leader of the Proud Boys and commuted the
sentence of the leader of the Oath Keepers, the two leaders of Neo-Nazi groups
who helped him plan and execute the attempted coup on January 6. This proves
once and for all that Trump is the official leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in
America, men and women whose ultimate goal is to overturn the government of the
United States of America, and hand the reigns over to Vladimir Putin.
Not a single Trump supporter can continue their denial that
Trump is a Russian agent.
By association and their brazen support for Trump, we can
now confirm that all 756 billionaires in our nation are Nazi sympathizers,
including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg. We can also justify our
suspicions that all leaders of the extremist Evangelical branch of Christianity
support Trump’s Nazi beliefs and do not believe in God.
The American dream is but a memory. Our Founding Fathers are
shedding tears in heaven as the nation they fought so hard to create is now
ruled by a despot: a man who would be king. I will never raise my right arm,
click my heels together, and yell “Heil Trump.”
Op-ed by James Turnage
Please follow my blog because the truth lives here
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