Yes, Trump is Bat-Shit Crazy, but His Second Illegitimate Presidency has Goals

I will cherish this day, January 19, 2025. This day will likely be the las full day my America exists. Tomorrow, at noon, eastern time, Trump 2.0 will be sworn in as your president.

The first time, January 20, 2017, became a tragedy worse than anyone could have imagined. This time, the least qualified, anti-American man alive has new powers. Thanks to their actions of cowardice and corruption, Merrick Garland and the Supreme Court offered undeniable proof that the lifetime criminal is above the law. The Court gave him absolute immunity, permitting Trump and his fascist army to do anything they please while ending democracy in America forever.

If you are not embarrassed that tomorrow a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and the only sitting president to commit treason will place his slimy hand on one of his bibles, manufactured in China, and lie as he takes the oath of office, allowing him to defile the White House for four more years, you are nothing less than a complete idiot without a single living brain cell. Or you simply support fascism and the shredding of the Constitution.

January 20, 2025 will be added to my growing list of “darkest days in American history.”

What we know is that Trump is afflicted with malignant narcissism, forcing him to appear bat-shit crazy, but tomorrow, eight years later, Trump is an elderly, decrepit, obese man who is obviously suffering from senility and advancing dementia.

There were two primary reasons Trump sought the presidency for a second time. First, he was facing charges for the two most serious crimes possible: treason and violating the Espionage Act. Of course he is guilty, and he knows it. If he would not have won the election, a situation I continue to believe might have been rigged by Putin, he would have been tried and convicted of all charges, forced to spend the remainder of his pitiful life in a federal prison. Second, Putin demanded that he finish what he started between 2017 and 2021.

Senator Bernie Sanders and I appear to be the only men in America who could see America’s future.

Capitalism is passe. Our nation is now controlled by a plutocracy. Our nation’s 756 oligarchs, better known as billionaires, have complete control of all three branches of our nation’s failed and corrupt government.

Here is the reason Putin ordered Trump to place multiple oligarchs on his staff, and why Trump continues to woo Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos and the rest. A plutocracy cannot exist for long in a democracy. Only a fascist government can protect the power of the super-rich.

Putin’s lifelong goal is to end the dream of our Founding Fathers. Great wealth does not produce great wisdom, nor does it increase anyone’s mental capabilities.

One thing I know for sure: the next four years will cause enormous grief, and be a disaster for our nation’s people. The inmates will be running the asylum.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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