If Your Last Name is Trump, Your Entire Life’s History is Built on Lies

It’s pitiful, but undeniably true. If this was an accurate description of my life, I would have committed suicide long ago. After researching Donald Trump for the last ten years, I know that your illegitimate president’s entire life’s story is built on lies. To this day, if his lips are moving, he’s lying.

It was easy to learn that Trump’s educational history is manufactured, not earned. If this is untrue, why in 2017 did the old, obese, white man have all records related to his education sealed?

I know from reading and watching the lowlights of his rallies that he never earned his diploma from Wharton and the same is undoubtedly true about his graduation from military boarding school. As he did to obtain deferments from serving in the Vietnam War, father Fred most certainly paid for his diplomas. Trump is virtually illiterate, refusing to or incapable of reading. His attention span is less than five minutes. Do you remember when he was in the Oval Office, on a rare occasion, engaged in a meeting with then Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, stood up, and walked into an adjacent room to watch television? It’s another fact the mainstream media continues to hide from the American people.

After working for his father for a short time, selling leases in his high-rise New York apartments, unless you were Black, Trump was given more than 400 million dollars to begin his own real estate empire. Of course Trump lost the entire fortune in just a few years.

The most important part of this story is Trump’s lie during the 2016 campaign. He claimed that he made his own money. He lied, telling his supporters that he was only given 1,00,000 dollars.

Another huge lie during the campaign involved his handler, Vladimir Putin. When asked if he knew the Russian president, Trump said: “I never met the man.”

Records show that the two men met for the first time in 1987. Trump and first of three wives, Ivana, were invited to visit Moscow by the KGB. In the late 1980’s Putin was a high-ranking officer in the Russian spy agency. They met again in Moscow in 2013 when Trump’s Miss Universe Pageant traveled to the Russian Capital.

Anytime Trump says, “everyone is saying,” or “I know people who have done this,” he is lying.

Of course his biggest lie was about the 2020 election, and he continues to tell the same lie although 60 state courts and his own stacked Supreme Court threw out every filing. There was not a shred of tangible evidence.

Any normal man would be ashamed of the personal attacks he continues to wage against real Americans. Of course, none of it is true, but his supporters are brainwashed and believe him. Name calling is without a doubt a sign of low intelligence.

Here we go again, but this time he has the full financial and personal support of our nation’s oligarchs. You might know them as our 756 billionaires. They are excited about Trump’s promise to protect the current plutocracy with a fascist regime.

You and I can kiss our futures good-bye.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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