A Failed Businessman, a Failed Man, and a Failed Traitor

All politicians, Democratic or Republican, make promises they cannot or will not keep. However, some politicians proffer blatant lies in the form of campaign promises.

When Trump took the oath of office on Monday, he refused to place his hand on the bible. Why? It is an irrefutable fact that Trump’s only god is money. Is he a liar, an atheist, who pretends to support Christianity? Or is there some part of him who fears a God and knew that every word he was forced to repeat would be a lie?

He lied on Monday as he lied during the campaign.

If you trust the exit polls, the biggest issue was inflation, something Trump jumped on and promised to reduce prices at the grocery store.

First and foremost, inflation was a lie. The situation was “Greedflation,” a situation created by greedy corporations, Trump supporters and the latest enemy of the American people.

During his boring and misleading inaugural speech, he surreptitiously indicated that he would not be reducing the price of necessities. He then focused on the illusion of a serious immigration problem, and the necessity of continued success for the bloated profits of corporations and the super-rich.

As I watched the College Football Championship Game tonight, I had to turn off the sound as ESPN allowed Trump to make a political speech. This was an act of fascism and the prevention of equal time for both sides of the political spectrum. All corporations are enemies of the American people.

I pray for the survival of our nation, but admit to being pessimistic. Most of our nation’s people clearly reject a democratic form of government, and are willing to place their future in the tiny hands of a fascist dictator.

America had a 248-year run: better than most democracies.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please follow my blogs if you value the truth

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/1/20/2298007/-9-Trump-inauguration-promises-that-won-t-lower-the-price-of-your-eggs?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_3&pm_medium=web





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