A Tale of One Patriotic President, and One Man Pretending to be the President to Save Himself

Part of this story is about Joe Biden and Trump. But to put this in perspective, we must discuss the failures of four Republican presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and of course, Donald John Trump.

When each of the failed men left office, their successors inherited a big, f**king mess. George H.W. Bush was faced with growing unemployment, and an escalating national debt, the result of Reagan’s disastrous fiscal policy, “trickle-down economics.”

However, Bush 41 adopted the same policy and the situation worsened. After only four years in office, William Jefferson Clinton, a Democrat, was chosen by the people in 1992.

After the abject failure of the two Republican presidents before him, Bill Clinton’s first job was to repair a failing economy and reduce the unemployment rate. He chose the most qualified men and women as his closest advisers, and when he completed his eight years in the White House, unemployment was at an all-time low, and the national debt had been erased. The national treasury experienced a surplus for the first time in decades.

The Supreme Court refused to allow a recount in Florida in 2000, handing George W. Bush the presidency. Like his father and Reagan before him, “W” adopted a fiscal policy of “trickle-down economics.”

Although Bush and his VP Dick Cheney were warned that an attack on our country was ‘imminent,’ both men went on vacation in the summer of their first year in office. On September 11, 2001, three hijacked passenger aircraft slammed into the twin towers in New York, the Pentagon, while the third target, believed to be the White House, was thwarted by several courageous passengers, crashed in Pennsylvania.

In October of 2001, Bush ordered an attack inside of Afghanistan to capture or kill the architect of the 9/11 attacks, Al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden. It failed miserably, but our military continued to occupy Afghanistan for the next 20 years.

In April of 2003, after lying to Congress, the American people, and the United Nations, Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq. The lie claimed that Iraq’s autocratic leader was harboring weapons of mass destruction for the terrorist group, Al Qaeda. None were ever found.

Bush’s failed economic policy, combined with the cost of engaging our nation’s military in two illegal wars, placed our nation in “the Great Recession” of 2008.

In November of 2008, the people elected America’s first Black President. His cabinet and most trusted advisers were the best in their fields and had to be. The mess President Barack Obama inherited was enormous in scope.

However, after eight years our nation was in full recovery, and economic policies were in place which would allow our country’s economy to grow.

Then came the biggest mistake in our nation’s history: the illegitimate election of the least qualified man in history in 2016, Donald John Trump. The failed businessman inherited a growing economy, which resulted in a nation embracing hope and faith in America’s future.

After Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017, it didn’t take long for Trump to violate the Constitution, and take actions which began to slow economic growth. Once again, a Republican president adopted “trickle-down economics,” and the growing economy Trump inherited began to slide backwards. Trump voided every successful policy he inherited from the Obama administration.

In 2020, a deadly health emergency was spreading across the world. Although an aide assigned to read the Presidents Daily Brief for Trump warned him of the probability of a deadly coronavirus reaching the United States in December of 2019, he ignored the information. In January of 2020, as people around the world began to lose their lives from Covid-19, Trump stood before the television cameras claiming that our country was better prepared, and “it would just go away.”

Trump did nothing until March of 2020 as American citizens began dying from the effects of Covid-19. His failure to take action eventually resulted in the loss of more than one million Americans, 10 percent of which could have been saved if Trump had taken timely action, according to experts in various fields of the medical profession.

By election day, 2020, America’s economy was nearing another Great Depression. Small businesses were failing and unemployment was rampant. Service industries could no longer operate because of the high infection rate resulting from personal contact. Businesses which support the industry were forced to lay off most of their work force, but once again Trump did nothing.

When Democrat, Joe Biden, was inaugurated on January 20, 2021, He acted immediately to create a distribution plan for the recently developed Covid-19 vaccines. Checks intended to stimulate economic growth were sent to every eligible American in our nation. Businesses began to reopen, lives were spared, and the economy began to grow very quickly as “Help Wanted” signs appeared everywhere.

History will be filled with praise for President Biden’s efforts to save our country from the destructive and failed policies of another pretend Republican.

Now for what will surely be another disaster for our nation’s people.

At noon on Monday, Trump will once again claim the title of President of the United States. He pretended to be your president for four years between 2017 and 2021, and will once again control your future, and mine. We are in deep s**t.

However, this time other issues are involved. Trump is now a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and the leader of America’s Neo-Nazi movement. His plans for our nation’s future, contained in Project 2025, are nothing less than a 922-page fascist manifesto.

One of his campaign promises was to lower prices and end “Greedflation.” However, his moronic plans to increase tariffs will actually increase prices on anything imported from another nation. Tariffs may increase the national treasury, but consumers will pay for that increase. Every leading economist in America opposes Trump’s drastic and foolhardy plan. The plutocracy will grow as Trump allows, billionaires/oligarchs to control his administration.

Let’s be honest here. What could you expect from a failed wannabe billionaire? Trump is so incompetent he bankrupted Atlantic City casinos. I worked in Nevada’s casinos for about 20 years, and it is nearly impossible to bankrupt any casino unless Illegal action is involved.

Now for the bottom line: Trump is too f**king old to lead a nation whose average age is 38.2. He is twice as old as the average American and will be an octogenarian in 15 months. He is clearly suffering from old age physically and his advancing levels of senility and dementia are increasingly apparent to everyone.

Give me Joe Bide at 82 anytime. He was a working president whose loyalty was to the American people.

Trump sought the presidency to prevent additional criminal trials which would have placed him in prison for the remainder of his pitiful life.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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