Trump is a Hypocrite: He Does not Support Israel, the Palestinian People, or Ukraine: His Loyalty Belongs to Someone Else


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Recently, Trump appeared before the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Washington. He claimed to support Israel in the current, controversial military action against Hamas. However, he couldn’t end his lie and simply leave, he made another moronic statement prior to his departure.

[Israel would likely cease to exist within two years should Harris win the election, and Jews would be partly to blame for that outcome because they tend to vote for Democrats, Trump argued.]

On the reverse side, he doesn’t give a damn about the Palestinian people. Trump wants your vote, regardless of your concerns. Donald John Trump is a man without morals, principles or compassion for anyone other than himself.


Trump continues to praise Vladimir Putin and supports his illegal and immoral invasion of the democratic country of Ukraine. Under his demands, the Freedom Caucus has attempted to block every aid package for Ukraine. He and his people obviously support our nation’s greatest enemy, Vladimir Putin.

Since their first meeting in Moscow in 1987, Trump offered his admiration and envy for Vladimir Putin. His heroes have always been murderous dictators. He read each of Adolf Hitler’s speeches multiple times, according to friends of first wife, Ivana.

Between 2017 and 2021, your illegitimate president blocked every effort to punish Putin for his interference in the 2016 election.

Why would he allow the man who was partly responsible for his victory in the Electoral College to be punished? He remains Trump’s idol today.

Why would anyone be surprised that Trump openly supports Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Like his mentor, Trump views democracy as his enemy.

His ambitions are clearly defined in the 922-page presidential manual known as “Trump’s Project 2025.”


Trump is a very old 78-year-old man whose mental and physical abilities are in decline. His only reason for seeking a second term is personal. If he were to become your illegitimate president for the second time, he would have the ability to pardon himself for his crimes, including treason, and violating the Espionage Act.

His lies are transparent, and any group that agrees to listen to him speak must be aware that he is pandering. There is no sincerity in his words. They are hollow and filled with hypocrisy.

Kamala Harris in 2024.

Op-ed by James Turnage





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