
Not a Single Late Night Comedy Writer Could Have Written the Biggest Laugh I Have Had in Years

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I read the news this afternoon, I laughed out loud and celebrated a victory for all true Americans. The Joke actually began in January of 2023. The Republican Party in Name Only regained power in the House after the 2022 election, but only by the slimmest of margins. In January of 2023 Kevin McCarthy was nominated to become the next Speaker. However, a “Republican Party” in chaos was divided and for the first time in history it failed to select a Speaker on the first vote. In fact, after multiple concessions from the California Representative, McCarthy was finally declared the next Speaker after ballot number 15. History was made and I chuckled. I have believed that the once Grand Old Party has been incapable of governing since 1981. But that was just the beginning. McCarthy proved to be the worst Speaker in history. One of his concessions to the fascist Freedom Caucus was that a single congressman could make a motion to remove the current Speaker. One me

MTG Complains About the Truth

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If there is one thing today’s fake Republican Party fears, it’s the truth. Although the small group which calls itself the “Freedom Caucus” is openly fascist, the entire party is controlled by a plutocracy which cannot exist without a fascist government. However, the most egregious example of an American politician who is opposed to a democratic government is Marjorie Taylor Greene. She is an avid racist, a homophobe, and has participated in rallies organized by Neo-Nazi organizations. Recently she continued her ability to make a fool of herself. MTG was confronted by a bicyclist who allegedly called her a fascist. Instead of being proud that she was recognized for who and what she is, she complained and made one of the most ridiculous comments in history, asking why this individual did not receive a “gag order,” although there was no involvement in a court of law. Once again, she was attempting to defend her Fuhrer, Donald Trump, whose antics in a New

Sean Hannity Once Again Places his Head Up His A**

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   “Fox News” is not only a misnomer, it is an insult to every legitimate journalist who ever wrote a single word. The only reason this right-wing propaganda machine has existed since 1996 is found in its audience. Its fans choose to believe the many lies, half-truths, and conspiracy coming from its fake journalists every day. At the top of this pile of excrement is a little man who continues his efforts to be the worst political hack in our nation’s history. His name is Sean Hannity. Hannity continues to talk to Trump on a daily basis, although he was overheard calling the leader of fascism in America multiple derogatory names questioning his intelligence. Just another right-wing hypocrite. His latest benefactor is one of Trump’s most devout a** kissers, Ohio Representative, Jim Jordan. One of the founders of the fascist “Freedom Caucus,” Jordan is attempting to replace the worst Speaker of the House in history, Kevin McCarthy. If he achieves his goal, he will b

How Did Jim Jordan Become a Multi-Millionaire in Just Five Years?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   ·          Plutocracy: a country or society governed by the wealthy. plural noun :  plutocracies "no one can accept public policies which turn a democracy into a plutocracy" ·          an elite or ruling class of people whose power  derives  from their wealth. "officials were drawn from the new plutocracy.”   Our nation is no longer governed by a capitalistic economic system. It has become a plutocracy, defined as rule by the super-rich. The men and women who call themselves “Republicans” are liars. They have no interest in the principles or morals of the once Grand Old Party. They owe their very existence to a small percentage of greedy and ridiculously wealthy men and women. In January of 2015 a small group of House TEA Party members, believing that their extremist organization was not as extreme as it should be, formed an organization based on the precepts of fascism and called it the “Freedom Caucus.” One of its founders was one of the congr

What the Hell is Happening in America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let’s look back at the time period in America from June of 2015 and today, October, 2023. I find it both frightening and unbelievable. This is not my country. It is definitely not the nation created by our Founding Fathers. Between June of 2015 and today, our system of government has failed. Political parties have become more important than a nation of 330 million people. Doing the right thing is seldom a reality. Over the last eight years, real Americans cringed as we witnessed the illegitimate election of a president who is a fascist, an old and bigoted Senator achieve his lifelong and destructive dream, the end of the Supreme Court, and soon the probable selection of the worst, least qualified Speaker of the House in history. These are all major crimes committed by ambitious men who are unfit for any position in the three branches of government. In June of 2015, Donald John Trump and his trophy wife, Melania, rode down escalators inside Trump Tower. He move

Miranda Was Told Her Twins Would Not Survive, but In Texas the Law Forced Her to Deliver Her Babies

Op-ed by “TheWiseOldFart”   It is a fact that the words ‘Republican’ and ‘Ignorant’ are indeed synonyms. On June 24, 2022, a Republican dominated Supreme Court ended a woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical health by overturning Roe v Wade. Actions were taken by legislatures in red states immediately. They passed multiple unrealistic, anti-abortion, and sexist laws, extending and escalating their war on women in the United States. Since that dark day in American history, nearly 16 months ago, there have been many stories about how this egregious and unconstitutional decision by a biased Court has harmed multiple women in our nation. However, what happened in Texas to one woman is a tale of cruelty, hatred, and ignorance by a right-wing dominated state government, led by Governor Greg Abbott. Miranda Michel received some devastating information regarding her pregnancy. She was carrying twin boys. Her doctors made an early diagnosis which would change her life

Fascism in America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I’m sure many of you doubt my claim that fascists are gaining control of our nation. You are very mistaken. Fact: the leader of the Republican Party is the leader of the fascist movement in America. The man who will be the next Speaker of the House, Steve Scalise, is a devout member of the fascist group calling themselves “the Freedom Caucus.” History is repeating itself. What happened in the United States in 1939 is happening today in 2023. Consider the situation our government is in today, read the definition, and prove me wrong. Fascism: “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition.” Now, add to this the fact that capitalism has escalated into a plutocracy, and a plutocracy cannot exist without a government which is autocratic, more specifically a fascist regime. The evidence is irrefutable. In my youth, a

The Leading Candidates for the Right-Wing Nomination in 2024: a Life-Long Criminal, a Fascist, and a Flip-Flopper

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   “The best the Republican Party has to offer America in 2024 are, in order of their polling, a life-long criminal, a fascist governor, and a woman who worshipped Trump, but is now attempting to distance herself from the worst man in the world.” I am aware that most Americans continue to ignore the fact that there is a movement very similar to the efforts in 1939 to establish a fascist government in the United States. One entire political party has moved so far to the right it has become the leader in white supremacy and the entire Neo-Nazi movement in our country. Names like Trump, DeSantis, Jordan, Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Scalise, Gosar, and many others sitting on the right side of the aisle are proponents of the establishment of a fascist regime and the shredding of our Constitution. If you are not aware of these facts, you are one of many millions of uninformed Americans. Stop and think about it. The leading right-wing candidate is a former illegitima

How the Once Grand Old Party Devolved Into This…

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz: these are just a few of not only the worst legislators in American history, but the worst people ever to unjustly claim the title of “American.” How did this happen? How did our government become the most corrupt, incompetent, and uncaring in the world? Let’s stop lying to ourselves. This situation is our fault. These people were not ‘hired’ for their positions, they received enough votes to win elections. We, the voting public, are to blame for the fact that America has the worst government in the free world. Voters in Ohio, Georgia, Colorado, Florida, and other states simply chose to support anger, hatred, and support violence against minorities, Muslims, Jews, Hispanics, and all women rather than display any form of patriotism. These fake Republicans who call themselves the “Freedom Caucus,” have no interest in effectively governing our nation. They serve their masters; the plutocrats who actua

Is Biden Channeling FDR?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is an irrefutable fact that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the greatest president in America’s 247-year history. He never wavered in his support for the majority, fighting corruption perpetrated by the super-rich, and greedy politicians in an attempt to improve the quality of life for most Americans. He was the only true American President. Not even our founding fathers placed the value of the working class in priority number one. His initial reluctancy to enter World War II was founded upon the fact that he was aware that it is always the poor and working class who fight wars, never the wealthy. However, he wisely prepared for the possibility of American involvement, and when our nation was attacked on December 7, 1941, America was ready to engage in the defeat of the Axis powers. In 1981 Ronald Reagan began the right-wing’s war on the working class. He hated unions because they protected workers from the atrocities of corporate America. Over the ne

What a Travesty, an American President has the Courage to Speak the Truth

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Politicians believe that reelection and spinning the facts are more important than the truth. Their personal goals and ambitions take precedence over everything else. However, the most powerful man in the world is showing his courage and “telling it like it is,” regardless of retaliation from Fox News and other right-wing extremist broadcasts and publications. Kudos to President Biden. Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy sold his soul and his power to the fascist Freedom Caucus to win his position as the Speaker. They are now calling for a government shutdown. "Let's be clear: if the government shuts down, that means members of the Congress — members of the U.S. military are going to have to continue to work and not get paid," Mr. Biden said at a dinner hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus, or CBC, in Washington Saturday night. "A government shutdown can affect everything from food safety to cancer research to Head Start for children.&q

All Religions are Based on Irrational Beliefs and Groundless Hope

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Fact: the largest number of innocent people slaughtered by invading armies were the result of wars waged by religious entities. Wealthy Americans are the enemy of the majority. All religious leaders are members of the wealthy class and pay zero dollars in taxes, although they in violation of the First Amendment. Religious leaders pay zero dollars in taxes and live the lifestyle of the super-rich. Every Sunday they preach their lies and half-truths with only a single intention; convince them to increase the amount of money they place in the collection plate. Money truly is the root of all evil, and money is the only issue of importance in America. You and I mean nothing to the wealthy, religious leaders, or politicians. All three are only concerned with your money and your votes. I support anyone who is a true believer. However, I ended my belief in organized religion in 1962 when I was sixteen. I was convinced that all religions were created by mortal men who

No One, not Democrats or Republicans, Have any Faith or Trust in Washington Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Several members of my family who have supported a more conservative agenda throughout their lifetime, no longer trust either political party in Washington. Although I remain an Independent, I find it impossible to support any man or woman in Washington who claims to be a Republican. The Party of Lincoln met its final demise in January of 2017. The truth is that I no longer have faith in any politician in Washington. The very fact that both political parties allowed a man who hates America to become our 45 th president is unforgivable. This was final proof that politicians protect each other, the people must fend for themselves. Crime in every form exists on Capitol Hill. Corruption is rampant and we continue to experience a dysfunctional government. Let me give you a small example which is actually a “big deal.” When a Fisher Price product began killing dozens of babies, it went unreported by our government. They were aware of the danger. However, a stipulati

At Least Two NFL Games Were Lost By Coaches

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The bottom line: the New Orleans Saints lost because their Head Coach failed to run the ball three times and get his field goal kicker in position to win the game. The Minnesota Vikings lost because their coach did not have their Quarterback spike the ball. They would have had two plays to gain a victory. 53 players risk injury and giver their all to play this game, and to have an incompetent coach lose the game is unforgivable. Dennis Allen, head coach of the Saints, should be fired immediately. All he needed to win the game was a field goal. With less than two minutes left, he allowed his backup QB to pass the ball. If he would have run the ball up the middle, he would have used time and placed his kicker in a better position to gain the victory. Terrible decision. Kevin O’Connell, head coach of the Vikings, needed a touchdown to win. His refusal to save time for his quarterback guaranteed a loss. Both of these men should be fired on Monday mor

Knowing He Would Be Outwitted, Trump Will Not Attend Wednesday Night’s Debate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It should not surprise anyone that Trump is refusing to attend Wednesday evening’s primary debate on Fox. With a low level of intelligence his greatest concern is the probability that he would once again make a complete fool of himself. According to the polls, which I do not believe, there is no reason to have a debate if Trump is leading all challengers by 30-40 points. Think about this carefully. On November 5, 2024, the man representing the former Republican Party will be facing numerous felonies, and possibly be running for the presidency from a prison cell. Only in today’s America, which is not comparable to the nation of my early years. We are the world’s biggest joke and it’s not funny. Trump is a traitor who committed the most grievous crime against our nation on January 6, 2021. He is also guilty of committing the same crimes as the Rosenbergs in the 1950s and should be executed in the same manner. If Trump has any chance of winning the pres

It Appears that our Government and Corporate America are Colluding to Kill Older Americans

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Greedflation, increases in Medicare, and insufficient increases in Social Security prove that our government and corporate America are colluding to kill older Americans as quickly as possible. My wife and I have one income: our Social Security. We struggled as millions of others do. In 2019 we were surviving, and that is the only accurate term I could use. Today our food bill has increased by about 35 percent. Our gas and electric bill increased 37 percent. Gasoline prices have risen by more than 40 percent. Medicare has risen by about 20 percent. I have found ways to reduce our automobile and homeowner’s insurance, but every other necessary expenditure has increased. The 8.5 percent increase in our Social Security checks we began receiving in January of this year fail to compensate for the increase in the cost of necessities. Greedflation, a planned increase in commodities, and a minimal increase in Social Security in 2024 will endanger our very existence. We

When Dumbasses Run a Country

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you need a perfect example of a politician with a total lack of intelligence, no one is better than Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. There is a contest within the once Grand Old Party. It will decide who is the most idiotic and laughable man or woman on the right side of the aisle. Although it is extremely close with such fools as Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren, Boebert, and others, I nominate Kennedy as the biggest ass in the world of Pachyderms. Everything coming from the piehole of the Senator from Louisiana is disgraceful and a complete fallacy. He is definitely in contention to replace Ted Cruz as the worst senator in American history. After Attorney General, Merrick Garland, answered a large number of moronic questions, with the intention of protecting Trump in future criminal actions, Kennedy made another of his infamous and senseless remarks. “I thought Attorney General Ga

America in the 21st Century: a Nation Built on Lies

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The truth is a rare commodity in America today. If someone in power, most significantly a politician, is speaking, whatever they are saying is probably a lie. Over the last 40+ years our government has become highly secretive. They are hiding their own sins from the American people because the truth would result in the loss of elections. Corruption is standard operating procedure in our nation today. This situation was exacerbated during Trump’s illegitimate presidency as the fourth estate recorded between 50,000 and 75,000 lies told by your failed president between 2015 and 2021. Every member of his party followed his example for a single reason, to protect their fascist leader. The worst of the worst is Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio. He screams and yells as he questions individuals with no intention of allowing them to give an honest and complete answer. This is a technique he learned from Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson on Fox News. As

One Very Serious and Critical Question: Why Do Republicans Hate America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is an irrefutable fact that today’s pseudo-Republicans hate the principles of our Founding Fathers, and have no interest in the future of the American People. Studies prove that they are opposed to every issue favored by the majority. The leader of their party is a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, a fascist, the biggest traitor in American history, and the worst American president by far. I couldn’t make this s**t up. The truth is that the real Republican Party began to implode in 1981. Trump and his followers completed its demise in 2017, and it will never return. The ideals and principles of the former Grand Old Party are dead and forgotten. Today’s group has moved so far to the right they have embraced the ideas of fascism. Human rights, liberty and justice for all, and the ideals of understanding and compassion have long been forgotten. Money is their only god, and support from the wealthiest five percent of our nation’s people is priority number o