Is Biden Channeling FDR?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


It is an irrefutable fact that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the greatest president in America’s 247-year history. He never wavered in his support for the majority, fighting corruption perpetrated by the super-rich, and greedy politicians in an attempt to improve the quality of life for most Americans. He was the only true American President. Not even our founding fathers placed the value of the working class in priority number one. His initial reluctancy to enter World War II was founded upon the fact that he was aware that it is always the poor and working class who fight wars, never the wealthy. However, he wisely prepared for the possibility of American involvement, and when our nation was attacked on December 7, 1941, America was ready to engage in the defeat of the Axis powers.

In 1981 Ronald Reagan began the right-wing’s war on the working class. He hated unions because they protected workers from the atrocities of corporate America. Over the next 40+ years Republicans across America began to dismantle unions, while guaranteeing protection for the profits of big business.

Joe Biden has become the first president since FDR to encourage the establishment and growth of unions. He has become the president of the working class. On Tuesday, he became the first president to visit a picket line. Members of the United Auto Workers Union are on strike.

“You guys, UAW, you saved the automobile industry back in 2008 and before. You made a lot of sacrifices, gave a lot when the companies were in trouble, and now they’re doing incredibly well. And guess what, you should be doing incredibly well too,” Biden said, who was at times drowned out by applause. “You deserve a significant raise you need, and other benefits. Let’s get back what we lost, okay? We saved them, it’s about time for them to step up for us.”

It is no surprise that Republicans support management. They don’t give a damn about the men and women who actually build the vehicles. This is a perfect example of why income inequality has become a major issue in the 21st century. The last two Decennial Census’ revealed one critical fact. Adjusted for inflation, working class Americans have not received an increase in wages or benefits over the last 20 years.

For nearly 80 years no president has had the courage to take a position in support of the working man and woman. This is where all politicians should be. We elect them to work for us, but when right-wing politicians win their elections, they become tools for the super-rich.

And we must change the pattern. In 2024 we can elect men and women who will serve the majority of our nation’s people and send those who vote against our needs and wishes home. Join me, an Independent who can no longer find a “Republican” worthy of my vote, and send Washington a message: “if you don’t vote for us, we will not vote for you.”

Op-ed by James Turnage


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