How Did Jim Jordan Become a Multi-Millionaire in Just Five Years?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


·         Plutocracy: a country or society governed by the wealthy.

plural nounplutocracies

"no one can accept public policies which turn a democracy into a plutocracy"

·         an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.

"officials were drawn from the new plutocracy.”


Our nation is no longer governed by a capitalistic economic system. It has become a plutocracy, defined as rule by the super-rich. The men and women who call themselves “Republicans” are liars. They have no interest in the principles or morals of the once Grand Old Party. They owe their very existence to a small percentage of greedy and ridiculously wealthy men and women.

In January of 2015 a small group of House TEA Party members, believing that their extremist organization was not as extreme as it should be, formed an organization based on the precepts of fascism and called it the “Freedom Caucus.” One of its founders was one of the congressmen from Ohio, Jim Jordan.

With the use of tactics including loud speech filled with anger, hatred, and threats of violence, it encouraged other members of the House to join them. Today, this small group controls the men and women who call themselves Republicans.

I know that the men and women who compose the Freedom Caucus have been bought and paid for by the billionaires who are now in control of the future of the 330+ million men and women who are the United States of America. This explains the facts pertaining to Jim Jordan’s extreme wealth in 2023. In 2018 his net worth was $289,000. In 2023 his estimated wealth exceeds 30 million dollars. I wonder how this happened in just five years.

Jordan, an alleged criminal, has been nominated to become the Speaker of the House. Based on his anti-American beliefs, this would be the second greatest travesty in our nation’s history, second only to the illegitimate election by the Electoral College of Donald Trump in 2016.

Our government is not broken, it is shattered. The 535 men and women who compose our legislative branch cannot be repaired. They are shattered and the pieces are extremely small. Only a complete overhaul of our political system can save our beloved country.

Extremism is destructive. This has been proven by politicians, religious leaders, billionaires, and our judicial system. The Freedom Caucus has moved so far to the right it no longer supports the Constitution, the very principles upon which our nation was founded. Money and power corrupt, and the more wealth and control over others human beings possess result in greater corruption. The greatest mistake made by our Founding Fathers was not placing term limits on all three branches of our government. In the 21st century this is the basis for the majority of our nation’s problems. Take a look at the old men in the Senate. Moscow Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley have become powerful and continue to fail their constituents in Kentucky and Iowa.

However, the truth is simple, voters are to blame. Most Republican voters will vote for anyone with an “R” next to their name on the ballot rather than choose a Democrat or Independent who will serve them in Washington.

If America ceases to exist, we have only ourselves to blame. We elected the worst of the worst and decided our own fate.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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