Miranda Was Told Her Twins Would Not Survive, but In Texas the Law Forced Her to Deliver Her Babies

Op-ed by “TheWiseOldFart”


It is a fact that the words ‘Republican’ and ‘Ignorant’ are indeed synonyms. On June 24, 2022, a Republican dominated Supreme Court ended a woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical health by overturning Roe v Wade. Actions were taken by legislatures in red states immediately. They passed multiple unrealistic, anti-abortion, and sexist laws, extending and escalating their war on women in the United States.

Since that dark day in American history, nearly 16 months ago, there have been many stories about how this egregious and unconstitutional decision by a biased Court has harmed multiple women in our nation. However, what happened in Texas to one woman is a tale of cruelty, hatred, and ignorance by a right-wing dominated state government, led by Governor Greg Abbott.

Miranda Michel received some devastating information regarding her pregnancy. She was carrying twin boys. Her doctors made an early diagnosis which would change her life forever. It was doubtful that her children would survive delivery, and if they did, they would likely experience just a few minutes of life.

A team of doctors convinced Miranda that terminating her pregnancy was the right thing to do. However, Texas has some of the most stringent anti-abortion laws in the nation, and she would be forced to carry her twins full term.

Here the details of one mother’s painful and frustrating experience become unforgivable. When she was examined by a specialist, a sonogram revealed that the boy’s spines were joined, and some organs were developing outside of their bodies. Her partner’s mother was present and ran out of the room. Regardless of this hopeless revelation, Miranda was forced to deliver her doomed children.

Heavily sedated, Miranda struggled to remain conscious during the delivery, hoping she would see her babies alive, if only for a few minutes. When they were removed from her womb, the bottom half of their bodies were so deformed that medical personnel wrapped them to prevent the mother from seeing the severity of their deformities. As predicted, she was able to hold her infant sons for just a few minutes before they took their final breaths.

This story is proof that only the woman should be allowed to make the difficult decision of whether or not a pregnancy should be terminated. The loss of her twins will affect Miranda for the remainder of her life. Texas’ lawmakers made a sad and difficult situation far worse when they passed an ignorant and inhuman law.

It has been rightfully said that “all governments are bad, some are just worse than others.” I could never live in a “red” state. I don’t want to be wiser and more intelligent than the women and men who were elected to care for my quality of life. Right-wing politicians are undoubtedly the most incompetent, uncaring, and ignorant in our nation’s history. They don’t believe in human rights, the Constitution, or common sense. Although I am a proud Independent, I could never vote for any candidate campaigning under the banner of the once Grand Old Party today.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Sources: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/14/2198793/-She-was-told-her-twin-sons-wouldn-t-survive-Texas-law-made-her-give-birth-anyway?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_8&pm_medium=web


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