Fascism in America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I’m sure many of you doubt my claim that fascists are gaining control of our nation. You are very mistaken. Fact: the leader of the Republican Party is the leader of the fascist movement in America. The man who will be the next Speaker of the House, Steve Scalise, is a devout member of the fascist group calling themselves “the Freedom Caucus.” History is repeating itself. What happened in the United States in 1939 is happening today in 2023. Consider the situation our government is in today, read the definition, and prove me wrong.

Fascism: “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition.”

Now, add to this the fact that capitalism has escalated into a plutocracy, and a plutocracy cannot exist without a government which is autocratic, more specifically a fascist regime. The evidence is irrefutable.

In my youth, as an original baby boomer, I never would have dreamed that this situation could become a reality. I grew up learning about the reality of Hitler’s terrorist and inhuman actions, and the evils of racism and bigotry. Today, millions of Americans are once again celebrating evils which have prevented our country from becoming the greatest nation in the world. We can do better. If we vote intelligently, our government can become functional again. If not, we are rapidly moving down a path which leads to a fascist dictatorship.

It appears that one of the creators of the fascist wing of the Republican controlled House of Representatives, Jim Jordan, will be the next Speaker. This will guarantee the continuation of a dysfunctional government until Democrats regain control in 2024. However, this loud-mouthed incompetent and criminal at large will attempt to damage our nation further over the next 14+ months.

He will be in constant contact with Trump who will issue his demands with the intent of ending democracy in America.

Op-ed by James Turnage




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