What a Travesty, an American President has the Courage to Speak the Truth
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Politicians believe that reelection and spinning the facts
are more important than the truth. Their personal goals and ambitions take
precedence over everything else. However, the most powerful man in the world is
showing his courage and “telling it like it is,” regardless of retaliation from
Fox News and other right-wing extremist broadcasts and publications. Kudos to
President Biden.
Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy sold his soul and his
power to the fascist Freedom Caucus to win his position as the Speaker. They
are now calling for a government shutdown.
"Let's be clear: if the government shuts down, that
means members of the Congress — members of the U.S. military are going to have
to continue to work and not get paid," Mr. Biden said at a dinner hosted
by the Congressional Black Caucus, or CBC, in Washington Saturday night.
"A government shutdown can affect everything from food safety to cancer
research to Head Start for children."
Biden called out the Freedom Caucus by name, declaring them
the greatest obstructionists in modern history. He is not wrong. They have no
basis for their complaints other than the demands of their owners, the
In his speech he made it clear that the fascist Freedom
Caucus is the face of today’s Republican Party in name only in the 21st
century. Let me perfectly clear, he is 100 percent correct. Immediately after
his minimalistic inauguration, every member of the once Grand Old Party
capitulated and offered their allegiance to Donald John Trump, not only the
worst president in history, but the worst man in the world. He is a liar, a
cheat, a man without principle or morals. For four years he used the national
treasury as his personal bank account, and violated the Emoluments Clause daily
as he conducted personal business from the Oval Office and his private
residence. Mar-a-Lago became his satellite office as he conducted business with
his millionaire and billionaire comrades, including foreign dignitaries.
[House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry (R-Pa.) has fired
back at Biden over the criticisms, saying he was only looking for a
“He wants to talk about the Freedom Caucus, and we’re happy
to have him do it because it shows the very stark contrast of what people can
expect under and continue to expect under a Biden presidency,” Perry said.]
Mr. Perry just made my case. The administrations of George W.
Bush and Donald Trump made the rich, richer, and lessened the quality of life
for the majority. Bush nearly destroyed our economy, and Trump is responsible
for the loss of more than one-million lives related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Beginning
with the Reagan Administration in 1981, the people have been forgotten. The
creation of today’s plutocracy began and was completed between 2017 and 2021. Of
even greater importance, a plutocracy cannot exist without a fascist regime in
control of a nation.
There is no Republican Party in 2023. This is a Civil War
waged between the super-rich and the politicians they own on the right side of
the aisle and about 320 million Americans who love their country.
We must begin by reversing the brainwashing process begun by
the right-wing propaganda machine, Fox News, in collusion with Moscow Mitch
McConnell and his treasonous party.
We, the people can save America with our votes. We must
ignore the lies from the right and seek the truth. Our votes remain the only
weapon in our arsenal.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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