
Mike Johnson Either Failed His IQ Test, or He is One of the Biggest liars in a Party of Liars

Op-ed ed by TheWiseOldFart Pretend Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, appeared on FOX “News” Monday. It was immediately clear that his goal was to downplay one of the darkest days in American history, July 1, 2024, when the Supreme Court violated the intent of the Constitution they swore to preserve and protect. Read the smoke he is trying to blow up your ass. He told his first lie, claiming we never had a president “prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity.” “There’s all sorts of hyperbole tonight, and this fantastical—these hypotheticals they’ve made up,” Johnson said. “Future presidents are going to turn into assassins, and all the rest. It’s madness.” I’m not concerned about President Biden or future presidents, I’m worried about your party’s leader, the one who attempted to overthrow our government. APPARENTLY, JOHNSON FAILED TO READ “GOVERNING FOR DUMMIES” Obviously, he doesn’t understand that the only vote which matters in a presidential election is the Electoral College.

Criminals on the Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It was 1991. With a seat open on the Supreme Court, President George H.W. Bush nominated a Black man by the name of Clarence Thomas to fill the vacancy. As the hearings progressed, a young Blcak woman was called to speak before members of the Senate. Her name was Anita Hill. Ms. Hill had been an assistant to Thomas when he became the Chairman of the EEOC IN 1982. She left in 1983. In her testimony, she accused Thomas of sexual misconduct. However, the predominately male Senate doubted her veracity, and Thomas was confirmed. From his first day on the Bench, Thomas attached himself to the most conservative justice on the Court, Antonin Scalia. However Scalia voted, Thomas voted. After Scalia’s death in 2016, Thomas became more radical. He is now considered the most controversial justice on the Supreme Court. Recently Thomas and wife “Ginny” have been under heavy scrutiny. Thomas has received millions of dollars in gifts from billionaires, some of whom were involve

The Damage to America is Irreparable, and Moscow Mitch McConnell is Public Enemy Number One

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I issued a warning to the American people in October of 2020 when Moscow Mitch McConnell rushed the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, violating his own rule, that the demise of democracy grew closer. I doubt that few Americans understood the power of the Supreme Court. Their decisions are final, and none of the justices face repercussions for their actions. They are protected by lifetime appointments, and only impeachment could remove them from the Court. That will never happen. When Trump won a rigged election in 2016, Moscow Mitch was elated. His lifelong dream could become a reality. In collusion with the Federalist Society, reversing Roe v Wade could become a reality. Regardless of the cost or the damage to our nation, or public opinion, he might be able to stack the Court. Moscow Mitch manipulated Trump who had no idea what he was doing and never will. Moscow Mitch had already made the first move. After the sudden death of ultra conservative Justice Antoni

The Day the Dream Died

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Our Founding Fathers were all wealthy businessmen, living lives of luxury and privilege in England. However, they shared ideals which no longer fit with the ambitions of King George III. When the King declared the Anglican Church as the British Empire’s one, true religion, this was more than they could accept. None of them had ever believed that a Monarchy was acceptable: they believed that the people should have representation for what happened in their country. After a bloody and long Revolutionary War from 1775 until 1783, it was time to create the government of their dreams, The Constitutional Convention began in 1787, and lasted until 1789 with the ratification of the Constitution. The debate over what form of government would serve the New Nation resulted in a decision that it must include the prevention of a monarchy, a dictatorship, or any form of authoritarian rule. Second, freedom to practice the faith of each individual’s choice, or none at all must b

Everything is Stacked Against the President: America Will see the Real “Scrapper from Scranton”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Republicans are desperate to discredit him. The media has nothing but negative things to sa him. Last Thursday evening, CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash allowed Trump to control what they called a “debate,” while making him look even worse than he was. A number of Democrats are suggesting he end his campaign after one bad night. Who’s on Joe Biden’s side? I am, and you should be too. IF ALL DEMOCRATS WERE AS TOUGH AS JOE BIDEN, PROGRESSIVES WOULD NEVER LOSE AN ELECTION For more than 40 years most Democrats have been pussies. They allow right-wing extremists to attack them and their policies. Instead of going on the counter offensive, they make apologies or excuses for Republican’s attacks, true or false. The President is not afraid to call Trump what he is and criticize those who call themselves “Republicans” for their failures and their lies. Over his 35 years in the Senate, and eight years as President Obama’s Vice-President, he attempted to work with Republica

Supreme Court Declared that a President is Above the Law: What Should Biden Do First?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s Supreme Court just acquitted him for attempting to overthrow our government on January 6, 2021. By a vote of 6-3, (no surprise there), they decided he does not have absolute immunity, but is protected in certain situations. They decreed that certain actions taken by Trump during the insurrection are protected. What this will do is guarantee that Trump will not face additional legal action until after the November election. They used the fact that additional hearings and possible appeals will inhibit the already slow and tedious process of our failed justice system. BIDEN COULD USE THIS DECISION TO STRETCH THE PERAMETERS OF HIS POWERS OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL MONTHS: WILL HE? Theoretically, this corrupted Court has given President Biden new powers over the next several months. If this Court was in control of our country in the 1970’s Richard Nixon would have been exonerated for the Watergate break-in. What actions could Mr. Biden take which were previously u

This Biased Supreme Court Just Pissed on the Graves of our Founding Fathers

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I will never accept any reason why the Supreme Court agreed to hear the facetious claim that a President of the United States has absolute immunity. The basic premise of the “Law of the Land,” the Constitution, is that in America no one is above the law. Our Founding Fathers’ primary concern when creating a form of government for the New Nation, was preventing a president from becoming a King, Dictator, or other form of a tyrant. Today, July 1, 2024, Trump’s biased and stacked Court refused to state that a president has absolute immunity. However, it did claim that in the performance of his or her duties as president, he or she does have complete immunity for his or her actions. They gave Trump a free pass for ordering Mike Pence to halt the certification of the Electoral College vote on January 6, 2021. This Court is wrong. The Constitution must be their only priority, and the Constitution requires the certification of the results of the Electoral College vote.

In Praise of an American President: A Leader in a Time of National Crisis

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I will continue to write in support of President Biden. One debate has little importance in the bigger picture. The reasons for reelecting Mr. Biden match the growing number of reasons why Trump must not be allowed to return to the White House. Maybe the most important reason to choose Biden or Trump in November involves how either man would act in a national crisis. The mainstream media refuses to discuss this all-important issue, but I believe it is vital to consider the character, or lack thereof, of both men. BIDEN STEPS FORWARD ON 9/11 On September 11, 2001, Senator Joe Biden was traveling on a train which would take him to his job as a United States Senator. Mr. Biden was celebrating a speech before the National Press Club the day before. He had criticized the Bush Administration for moving away from longstanding arms control agreements, placing our nation in a “stand alone” position. However, his reverie was broken when he was informed of the attacks on t

From Beginning to End: The Supreme Court of the United States

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If we analyze the purpose for the creation of the judicial branch of our nation’s government, it was the epitome of perfection because of its simplicity. According to the definition in the Constitution, signed by our Founding Fathers in 1789. The Court was given one responsibility, one purpose. Unlike the executive and legislative branches, it was not designed to create laws, or alter their meaning. The only purpose of the Supreme Court is to make decisions whether or not laws created by federal, state, and local governments, and rules and regulations conform to the Law of the Land; the Constitution of the United States of America. The most serious problem faced during the Constitutional Convention was how to ensure that the only purpose of the Supreme Court  would not be influenced by outside sources, most significantly politics. After days of lengthy discussions our Founding Fathers decided that if the justices of the Supreme Court were not included in the pro

How Lindsey Graham Morphed From a Respected Senator to a Hypocritical Sycophant and a Piece of Human Excrement

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart His name is Lindsay Graham. There was a time in his life when he could have been remembered by history as a leader of the once respected Republican Party. Along with the man he claimed was his closest friend, Senator John McCain from Arizona, they exposed corruption and controversial actions on both sides of the aisle. However when Senator McCain lost his battle with cancer. Apparently, Graham lost his mind completely. He became a devotee of what has not only been established as the worst president in American history, but a man closely connected  with Vladimir Putin as the worst men in the world. Although the negatives about Trump continue to mount, Graham remains loyal to the Russian agent whose orders are to destroy the United States of America. HOW THE FORMER PARTY OF LINCOLN DEVOLVED INTO PUPPETS FOR A RUSSIAN AGENT No one, and I mean no one will offer the complete truth about the history between Trump and Putin. Trump likely relinquished his American citi

Stop Shoving Your Religion in My Face

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you love your religion, and are serious about its teachings, I am not only happy for you, I would fight for your right to practice that religion. However, I cherish the First Amendment which guarantees my right to reject all organized religions, and forbids the influence of religion into our government. It is clearly written, and I demand that my rights are of equal importance to those who claim to be religious. America never was a religious nation, and never should be. Our Founding Fathers left England when King George III removed freedom of or from religion. This is why the first line in the Bill of Rights says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” RIGHT WING POLITICIANS, DESPERATE FOR VOTES, SEEK THE REPEAL OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT There is no doubt that the party on the right side of the aisle is owned by special interests. Their votes are bought and paid for by lobbies, with the use

When a Party Abandons its President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Today I am ashamed to be an American, but proud that I have refused to be a member of either political party. I have always believed that “joiners” in general are incapable of thinking for themselves, and feel the need to receive instruction about their life’s decisions from others. This is a destructive form of ignorance. WHY WOULD I WANT TO BELONG TO EITHER PARTY: THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT ME OR MY COUNTRY The nicest thing I can say about all who call themselves “Republicans,” is that they are cowards and hypocrites. In 2017 100 percent of the men and women who falsely claim to be “conservatives” abandoned the principles and the ideals of the once Grand Old Party, and supported the destructive, regressive, and fascist policies of a fat, old, white, malignant narcissist, who had no right to claim the title of President of the United States. My primary reason for this claim is based on the fact the Trump admits that he does not and never will serve any American who

What Are the Important Issues in 2024? I’m Really Not Sure

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When I was a little boy, family gatherings were attended by all family members, young and old. I remember several things which impressed me, even at the age of six, seven, or eight. Three of my uncles had recently returned from World War II, and flag-waving was common. Therefore the subject of politics frequently entered into the conversation. I remember that all of my uncles, and my grandfather, had little trust in politicians. I also remember discussions about things which seemed very important to them. By the time I was a junior in high school, I developed an interest in our nation’s government, and therefore politics. I had followed the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960. I watched his speeches and read about what he was doing for our country, and compared everything to the problems facing our nation which were discussed in some of my classes. As a senior in 1963, I was devastated when the man I admired was murdered in Dallas, Texas on November 22 nd . By t

Give President Biden Credit Where Credit is Due: Stop the Stupidity

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart As I began watching Thursday night’s debate, I thought that the President did not look well. Later, I read that he was suffering from a head cold. I’m not making excuses, but I will be 78 in one week, and when I’m not feeling well, I can no longer hide it as I could when I was a much younger man. It’s much more difficult for me to function perfectly when I am not 100 percent. Let’s look at the fact that Mr. Biden has accomplished more than his two Republican predecessors. In fact, our nation’s economy is the best it has been since the Clinton Administration. He has succeeded although he continues to face Moscow Mitch McConnell’s “party of no.” I WAS DISAPPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT, BUT MY REASON FOR TURNING THE DEBATE OFF INVOLVED THE MODERATORS Fact, a true debate cannot happen if one of the contestants refuses to answer the questions, or is allowed to make up his own “facts.” Jake Tapper and Dana Bash let Trump create his own answers and establish his own agenda

Two Trump Suck-ups Confirm They are Idiots

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have been reduced to using unkind words. I blame this on the fact that I probably read too much. Much of what I read are moronic statements from Trump and his brainless supporters. He is illiterate and irritating, repeating the same lies over and over again, saying nothing about what is important to most Americans. He has a reason for this: he doesn’t know what real Americans care about, and if he did, it wouldn’t concern him. Everything must always be about him. Let’s talk about two of Trump’s biggest ass kissers, and see what they’re up to today. FIRST, MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE Describing MTG in one word is easy: idiot. I could have also used “moron,” but idiot has an angrier tone. MTG hates everything about my America. By her own words and actions, her loyalty is to Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Adolf Hitler. However, the conservative media is rejecting her reckless and baseless attacks, and her personally. Her latest efforts were attempts to block additional ai

Once Again Trump Proves that he is an Empty Vessel Without a Heart, a Soul, or a Brain

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For 78 years Trump has demonstrated to the American people what he is and is not. Although President Biden has been heavily criticized for his less than sparkling performance Thursday evening, he was not protected by the rules of a debate. The role of the moderators is to present the candidates with questions that are important to American voters and to facilitate a debate, ensuring that both candidates respond within the framework of the rules agreed to by both contestants. CNN moderators should receive much of the criticism for their lack of preparation and failure to adhere to the agreed upon rules and spirit of a debate. CNN executives defended the failure of their team. "CNN offered robust fact-checking coverage in post-debate analysis on TV and across our digital platforms during and following the debate's conclusion." Too little, too late. I turned the debate off after 40 minutes. I will not deny that the President was not the le