The Day the Dream Died

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Our Founding Fathers were all wealthy businessmen, living lives of luxury and privilege in England. However, they shared ideals which no longer fit with the ambitions of King George III.

When the King declared the Anglican Church as the British Empire’s one, true religion, this was more than they could accept. None of them had ever believed that a Monarchy was acceptable: they believed that the people should have representation for what happened in their country.

After a bloody and long Revolutionary War from 1775 until 1783, it was time to create the government of their dreams, The Constitutional Convention began in 1787, and lasted until 1789 with the ratification of the Constitution.

The debate over what form of government would serve the New Nation resulted in a decision that it must include the prevention of a monarchy, a dictatorship, or any form of authoritarian rule. Second, freedom to practice the faith of each individual’s choice, or none at all must be at the forefront of a declaration of human rights later known as the Bill of Rights. However, the most corrupt and politicized Supreme Court in our nation’s history changed everything today, July 1, 2024.

This biased Court declared that the President of the United States was guaranteed certain immunities when performing his or her duties. This unconstitutional decision placed our president above the law, and gave him or her powers tantamount to those of a dictator or a Fuhrer.

Several months ago, right-wing extremists stated that their intention was to make the Christian religion the only true religion of the United States of America.


This is a clear indication that the dream of our Founding Fathers is in its last days. Nearly one-half of our nation’s people prefer fascist rule over democracy.

This sad situation did not begin with Trump, but its eventual success ended with him. The beginning of the end began in 1981 with the inauguration of our nation’s 40th president, Ronald Reagan.

Under Reagan, his Republican Party began their withdrawal from a Democratic Republic. Reagan declared his wars on the working class, minorities, women, and all non-Christians. He also demanded 100 percent loyalty from all members of his party. What had worked for the previous 189 years began to disappear. Honest deliberation and compromise between the two major political parties became infrequent. Republicans demanded Democrats accept that what happened in Washington would be their way or no way at all.

In 2016, with assistance from Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Republican Party imploded, and the American Fascist Party was born. None of Trump’s unconstitutional and destructive polices could have occurred without the cooperation of the entire party on the right side of the aisle calling themselves “Republicans.”

Every member of the legislature and the Supreme Court loyal to the once Grand Old Party now pledged their fealty to Trump and his handler, Vladimir Putin.

Trump’s positions on white supremacy and support for the wealthy created a fascist cult. America is engaged in a Second Civil War, and those of us who are loyal to the Constitution, and the preservation of the Union are losing.

The three darkest days in American history will forever be the attempted coup by a sitting president on January 6, 2021, the removal of a woman’s Constitutional right to make decisions about her own physical and mental health on June 24, 2022, by voiding Roe v Wade, and giving our presidents the power to become dictators on July 1, 2024. All hope is lost.


I honestly don’t know what to say. My current emotions mirror how I felt on November 9, 2016, when Trump became our nation’s first illegitimate president elect. I was aware of Putin’s intervention. Trump told us the election was rigged, but no one was listening to what he was admitting.

I am in mourning for the country I knew throughout most of my 78 years. With the destruction of democracy, America will become the dark and dismal nation Trump talked about on inauguration day, January 20, 2017.

This situation is personal. I was one of those children whose school days in the 1950’s began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Today the words in that oath mean nothing. I proudly sang along whenever the Star Spangled Banner was played, but now it is what it sounds like, a funeral dirge.

On this day, my spirit, and my love for my country died. Old, white men created this country and old, white men have destroyed it. In the years to come no one will remember what it was like to be an “American.”

I hope you will remember that what happened today was the prophecy of our second greatest President, Abraham Lincoln.

Op-ed by James Turnage



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