Once Again Trump Proves that he is an Empty Vessel Without a Heart, a Soul, or a Brain


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

For 78 years Trump has demonstrated to the American people what he is and is not. Although President Biden has been heavily criticized for his less than sparkling performance Thursday evening, he was not protected by the rules of a debate. The role of the moderators is to present the candidates with questions that are important to American voters and to facilitate a debate, ensuring that both candidates respond within the framework of the rules agreed to by both contestants.

CNN moderators should receive much of the criticism for their lack of preparation and failure to adhere to the agreed upon rules and spirit of a debate.

CNN executives defended the failure of their team.

"CNN offered robust fact-checking coverage in post-debate analysis on TV and across our digital platforms during and following the debate's conclusion." Too little, too late.

I turned the debate off after 40 minutes. I will not deny that the President was not the leader I watched during the State of the Union Address, but when Jake Tapper and Dana Bash refused to chastise Trump for refusing to answer direct questions and offer viewers blatant lies about his abilities, accomplishments, and excuses for his being Donald Trump, I knew this was another failure by the mainstream media.


“If a lie is told often enough, the people will eventually accept it as the truth.” Adolf Hitler

Between 2017 and 2021, an editor employed by the Washington Post was charged with counting Trump’s most egregious lies. The total number was much larger, but he was ordered to record the most destructive and obvious. That number reached over 50,000.

During last night’s debate, Trump failed to offer one fact based on the truth. He constantly offered voters “alternative facts” which were tantamount to the most vicious and baseless lies ever told by one old, obese, white man.

A debate is not a debate when the rules are not enforced. Personal attacks cannot be allowed. Both contestants must be restricted to responses to the questions without the addition of misinformation and vicious, baseless attacks on their opponents. Tapper and Bash failed miserably.


It won’t surprise you that CNN executives offered excuses for their moderator’s poor performance.

"The role of the moderators is to present the candidates with questions that are important to American voters and to facilitate a debate, enabling candidates to make their case and challenge their opponent. It is up to the candidates to challenge one another in a debate," a spokesperson told Reuters.

This is nothing less than more bullshit from the mainstream media. The First Amendment protects the fourth estate. Sadly, the fourth estate no longer exists.

America is a country where money is more important than principles, morals, and the golden rule of doing the right thing.


Since 2015 every form of public information has supported Trump. This is not popular, but it is fact. Beginning in 2015 all forms of the media covered Trump five times more frequently than all other candidates combined. Why? It’s all about profits. Sensationalism increases viewership, and an increase in viewership increases advertising revenue. America has become a business, not a country.

I recently reported the most demonstrative proof about my allegation. The average campaign season in developed nations is about three months. In America it is nearly two years. The result is a waste of billions of dollars and such a long period of time that voters become apathetic. When watching television in the summer of an election year, and a political ad appears, I switch channels. I am no longer interested in anything the candidates have to say; I have already made my decisions.

The money spent during a general election could pay for universal healthcare for every American for nearly a decade. What’s wrong with this picture?


For me, there will be no more debates. I am an old man and I don’t have time to waste. I know the truth and I will vote for a real American who loves his country and will not attempt to destroy it.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon

Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/cnn-moderators-fact-check-trump-biden-us-presidential-debate-1.7250178



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