What Are the Important Issues in 2024? I’m Really Not Sure

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

When I was a little boy, family gatherings were attended by all family members, young and old. I remember several things which impressed me, even at the age of six, seven, or eight.

Three of my uncles had recently returned from World War II, and flag-waving was common. Therefore the subject of politics frequently entered into the conversation.

I remember that all of my uncles, and my grandfather, had little trust in politicians. I also remember discussions about things which seemed very important to them.

By the time I was a junior in high school, I developed an interest in our nation’s government, and therefore politics. I had followed the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960. I watched his speeches and read about what he was doing for our country, and compared everything to the problems facing our nation which were discussed in some of my classes.

As a senior in 1963, I was devastated when the man I admired was murdered in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd. By the time I graduated in June of 1964, I wondered how JFK would have handled the growing violence in Vietnam. Issues were important to everyone in America 60 years ago.


In the 1980’s and 1990s, Republicans forced voters to consider moral issues. They talked a lot about family values, and morality, although within their midst were a large number of hypocrites, including homosexuals and adulterers. I remember Democrats Gary Hart and Bill Clinton. On the Republican side, I remember Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert. There were others, of course, but Hart might have been our president in 1988, Clinton was President in 1992, and Gingrich and Hastert were Speakers of the House.

Which brings me to 2024 and the Republican and Democratic candidates for the presidency.


I have no idea what issues are of most importance today. Only one candidate speaks to the American people about the economy, immigration reform, women’s rights, overt racism, and human rights in general. The other preaches anger, hatred, revenge, and suggests violence in his name.

The most common concern is the economy in most years. Both old men have mentioned the economy. However, one is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Irrefutable facts prove that in 2024 our nation’s economy is better than it has been in nearly one quarter of a century. President Biden’s policies have once again corrected the failures of a Republican president.

Trump brags about the economy during his reign of terror. The truth is he did nothing. The American people were benefitting from policies which began during President Obama’s Administration.

The truth is that Trump’s fiscal policy of trickle-down economics combined with his failure to lead our nation in the fight against a deadly pandemic when he first learned about it in December of 2019, nearly placed America in a second Great Depression.

Mr. Biden loves America, his speeches contain hope for greater things to come for our nation’s people. He is always positive about the future of our nation 330 million people.

Trump’s rants are dark and dismal. He calls a number of our cities “shitholes,” and many of our people criminals and degenerates. He is a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, xenophobe, and a sexist. And those are his best qualities.

Both men are old and suffering from the normal process of aging. In Trump’s situation, he appears to have dementia. However, the biggest difference is that Trump’s soul, if he ever had one, is dead. He cares about no one but himself.

His primary reason for seeking the presidency is twofold.

First, he is desperate to have his ego soothed. He knows he lost badly in 2020 and he continues to suffer from the lasting effects.

Secondly, he will pardon himself for all current and yet to come felonies. This is the only way to prevent him from dying behind bars.

Personally, I would love to see the lifelong criminal in an orange jumpsuit.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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