Mike Johnson Either Failed His IQ Test, or He is One of the Biggest liars in a Party of Liars

Op-ed ed by TheWiseOldFart

Pretend Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, appeared on FOX “News” Monday. It was immediately clear that his goal was to downplay one of the darkest days in American history, July 1, 2024, when the Supreme Court violated the intent of the Constitution they swore to preserve and protect.

Read the smoke he is trying to blow up your ass.

He told his first lie, claiming we never had a president “prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity.”

“There’s all sorts of hyperbole tonight, and this fantastical—these hypotheticals they’ve made up,” Johnson said. “Future presidents are going to turn into assassins, and all the rest. It’s madness.” I’m not concerned about President Biden or future presidents, I’m worried about your party’s leader, the one who attempted to overthrow our government.


Obviously, he doesn’t understand that the only vote which matters in a presidential election is the Electoral College. The fact is, the states choose our president, not the people. Republicans won the  popular vote in the 21st century on a single occasion.

“The president and the vice president are the only two offices in our constitutional system that are elected by all the people,” he said. “No one who is elected to that office is going to be prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity.”

Let’s see: at last count Trump was charged with 91 felonies, committed treason, and violated the Espionage Act. What an idiot


I’m sure that, like me, you miss Nancy Pelosi. Look at the most recent losers Republicans gave us: two morons who kissed Trump’s humongous derriere at every opportunity. Neither of them had any idea how to lead their own party, and definitely not the American people.

McCarthy was thrown out of congress by his own party, and Johnson became the Speaker by default.

Let’s be clear about the fact that Republicans are not capable of leading. Here are Republicans who were Speakers of the House you might remember.

Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, McCarthy and Johnson. Nancy Pelosi was the only Democrat and she was the Speaker twice.

Gingrich was a criminal who divorced his wife while she was battling cancer. The reason for wanting divorce: he demanded an “open marriage.”

Hastert was a convicted child molester. However, this fact was hidden throughout most of his adult life.

Boehner was a wuss. He let members of the extremist TEA Party, and the even more extreme Freedom Caucus do his job. He resigned as the Speaker, and also as a Representative.

Paul Ryan was reluctant to accept the job. His party literally forced him to take the job. He was ineffective, and like Boehner, he eventually resigned from federal government after he and Mitt Romney lost their bid for the presidency in 2012.

McCarthy will be remembered for two reasons. He is the only Speaker who was not confirmed on the first vote. It required 15 votes to receive the gavel. He remains the only Speaker removed from his position by his own disjointed party.

Johnson was a last resort. After McCarthy was removed by his own party, a list of candidates, including fascist Jim Jordan, removed their names from consideration. No one wanted the job with the exception of a little-known member of the Freedom Caucus.

Of course I will vote for President Biden, but I hope that Democrats remain in control of the Senate, and retake the House. They could save our country and make government work again.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/2/2250673/-GOP-House-speaker-shocked-at-idea-we-d-ever-have-crazy-criminal-president?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_1&pm_medium=web






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