The Damage to America is Irreparable, and Moscow Mitch McConnell is Public Enemy Number One

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I issued a warning to the American people in October of 2020 when Moscow Mitch McConnell rushed the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, violating his own rule, that the demise of democracy grew closer. I doubt that few Americans understood the power of the Supreme Court. Their decisions are final, and none of the justices face repercussions for their actions. They are protected by lifetime appointments, and only impeachment could remove them from the Court. That will never happen.

When Trump won a rigged election in 2016, Moscow Mitch was elated. His lifelong dream could become a reality. In collusion with the Federalist Society, reversing Roe v Wade could become a reality. Regardless of the cost or the damage to our nation, or public opinion, he might be able to stack the Court. Moscow Mitch manipulated Trump who had no idea what he was doing and never will.

Moscow Mitch had already made the first move. After the sudden death of ultra conservative Justice Antonin Scalia in the early days of 2016, President Obama nominated a judge respected by members of both parties, Merrick Garland, to fill the empty seat. However, Moscow Mitch ignored the Constitution and established his own rule. He refused to hold hearings to confirm Judge Garland’s nomination during an election year. He claimed that the next president should nominate Scalia’s successor.

Trump’s rigged election gave him a victory in the Electoral College, and therefore the presidency.

Moscow Mitch’s personal ambition would become a reality and the long-term result would be the end of the United States of America. In my 78 years no other Supreme Court dared to openly defy the intention of the Bill of Rights. Another “first” for Trump and his handler, Vladimir Putin.


After Trump’s illegitimate inauguration in 2017, Neil Gorsuch was nominated to fill Scalia’s seat on the Court. Without a single qualification other than a promise to vote according to the agenda of right-wing extremists, he was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. Only three questionable Democrats voted for the Republican candidate.

In 2018 Justice Anthony Kennedy decided to retire. He was considered a “neutral” member of the Court. In a secret meeting with Trump and Moscow Mitch, he instructed your illegitimate president to nominate Brett Kavanaugh. Although Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault by Doctor Christine Blasey Ford, reminding me of Clarence Thomas in 1991, he was confirmed by the slimmest of margins, 50-48.

The last of the three puppets for the right, Amy Coney Barrett, was nominated after the death of legendary Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in September of 2020.

Moscow Mitch violated his own rule, and hurriedly ordered Trump to nominate Barrett to replace Justice Ginsburg. She was confirmed by a vote of 52-48 just weeks before the general election and sworn in with just a few days remaining.

The highest Court in the land had been politicized by a margin of 6-3.


The names of the five men and one woman who have paved the way for fascism in America will be vilified by historians. They are: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. These traitors hate America and have surrendered their loyalty to the worst president in history and possibly the worst man in the world, Donald John “Big Adolf” Trump.

Yesterday, July 1, 2024, these six enemies of the people of the United States declared Trump above the law. It is highly unlikely that he will ever be punished for treason against America, or prosecuted for his undeniable violations of the Espionage Act. Once again America’s longest and biggest criminal will receive a free pass. Trump has been given immunity in a direct and irrefutable violation of Constitutional Law. Our Founding Fathers greatest fear may come true: America could be ruled by an authoritarian government.


On the morning of November 9, 2016, I was extremely depressed. My greatest fear had become reality. The least qualified man in history, a man who was a confirmed racist, bigot, and a sexual predator had claimed victory in the presidential election. That morning I foresaw the possible damage one man and his treasonous party could do to my country. Almost everything I feared might happen, did happen.

The biggest damage from Trump and his fake Republicans can never be repaired. The joint plan between Putin and Trump to divide our nation’s people, and begin a Second Civil War, is a bigger success than the two most despicable men in the world could have imagined.

If the 2024 election is rigged, as was the 2016 debacle, all hope will be lost. The guarantees of freedom and equality for all promised in the Bill of Rights will disappear as we hear the sound of the Constitution being fed into a shredder.

For my grandchildren, they will never know what it was like to live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” The true history of the United States will be removed from the classrooms and libraries. Under joint rule of fascists Putin and Trump, only their version of my America will be told.

This once respected nation will become the whitest country in the world, ruled by plutocrats who will become the only people living what was once the “American dream.”

Real Americans are losing this Second Civil War. Those in power have already abandoned their oaths to “preserve, protect, and defend the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

The signs have been in front of us for decades. Income inequality, a growing Neo-Nazi movement, the blatant oppression of minorities and women, voter suppression, and the massive increase in domestic terrorism were all clues that change was coming. Trump’s illegitimate presidency encouraged the worst of America to take a victory lap and want even more.

I will not offer my loyalty to this country when the worst happens and change comes. I will not stand for the flag or the singing of the National Anthem. The “new and devolved United States” would never be my country. Trump never was my president and he will not be my Fuhrer.

Op-ed by James Turnage



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