Supreme Court Declared that a President is Above the Law: What Should Biden Do First?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Trump’s Supreme Court just acquitted him for attempting to overthrow our government on January 6, 2021. By a vote of 6-3, (no surprise there), they decided he does not have absolute immunity, but is protected in certain situations. They decreed that certain actions taken by Trump during the insurrection are protected.

What this will do is guarantee that Trump will not face additional legal action until after the November election. They used the fact that additional hearings and possible appeals will inhibit the already slow and tedious process of our failed justice system.


Theoretically, this corrupted Court has given President Biden new powers over the next several months. If this Court was in control of our country in the 1970’s Richard Nixon would have been exonerated for the Watergate break-in. What actions could Mr. Biden take which were previously unlawful?

Biden has the power to change parts of the election laws which are under control of the federal government.

His first step could be to circumvent the rules pertaining to the removal of the Postmaster General. Biden could place more members to the Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal Service friendly to Democrats, or declare Trump appointee, Louis DeJoy unfit and replace him.

A new Postmaster General could replace missing sorting machines, and add secured mailboxes to areas where the number of underprivileged voters is greater than average. In turn, the Democratic Party could encourage most voters to use the mail-in option, increasing voter turnout. If it was defined and a “public service message,” there would be no cost to Biden’s campaign.

Biden could place restrictions on political rallies, including occupancy, access for a greater number of disabled Americans, health concerns, and require protections for Americans of color and other minorities.

Is it possible that he could force the FCC to prohibit television ads unless their truthfulness was verified?

Biden could use his power as president to create an attack machine whose only purpose is to discredit every baseless claim made by the orange buffoon. He could demand free and equal airtime to debunk Trump’s many lies.

Biden could instruct the FAA to conduct safety inspections of Trump’s campaign aircraft, grounding or delaying flights for even a minor infraction.

He could use executive privilege to demand “equal time” on television for every attack from Republicans related to his competency.

It would be entirely legal to have a federal judge issue a warrant for Trump’s arrest. Theft of classified documents is a clear violation of the Espionage Act. When arrested, he could be placed in a federal detention facility, without bail, and remain there until trial. No trial would be conducted until after the November election.

I’m sure the President could find other ways to derail Trump’s campaign now that the executive branch is above the law.


I have no doubt that if the roles were reversed, Trump would likely have Mr. Biden assassinated, claiming that he was a danger to national security. He could falsify thousands of records to justify murder.

However, Mr. Biden loves his country and what it stands for, and could never do anything illegal or immoral.

It makes me a little sad. You see, although I am a pacifist and non-violent, the first thing I do every morning is read the news on the internet. I am hoping that Trump suffered a massive stroke, heart attack or other malady overnight and is no longer harming our country.

Finally, today’s travesty of justice is just another of my predictions which have come true. There is an overall conspiracy among the super-rich to place Trump in the White House.

These same greedy bastards fear that if the President is reelected, and will be a “lame duck,” and his focus will be forcing every American to pay their fair share of taxes.

Hopefully, the President will force reconstruction of the IRS and eliminate most of the current tax code, consisting of 6,871 pages. Nearly all of those pages offer deductions for the super-rich and our nation’s largest, most profitable corporations.

One last thing: if Trump rigs the election again, and is victorious, he will undoubtedly pardon himself for any felony charges remaining against him, including treason.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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