Only Fools Believe that Trump was Good for the Economy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Fact: Trump was the greatest failure in the history of Real Estate. Without criminal actions and assistance from the leaders of foreign nations, he would have been living on the street since 1999.

Fact: Recent Republican presidents, Reagan, George W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Trump were rescued by Democratic presidents, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden from the economic disasters they created with the same failed fiscal policy, and illegal and immoral wars. In each situation a Democratic president restore our nation’s economic future.

Fact: Not a single accomplishment was achieved by Trump in four years, with the exception of huge and permanent tax cuts for the super-rich. When he was in Washington on a few occasions, he spent less than four hours a day in the Oval Office. The remainder was spent watching FOX News, texting, and eating fast food. Most of his four years in office was spent on a golf course, partying at Mar-a-Lago, and holding his infamous hate rallies.

All of the orange buffoon’s claims about the economy were lies. Every positive advancement in our economy was the result of plans put in place by his predecessor, Barack Obama. There is not a single recorded action which benefitted all Americans during the Trump administration.

To the contrary, his failure to take immediate action as a deadly pandemic approached nearly placed our country in another Great Depression.


Trump is undoubtedly the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. His people are like-minded, and choose to believe every lie he tells them and have done so since 2015.

It has been verified by those close to Trump’s late ex-wife that he read Adolf Hitler’s speeches before bedtime. He has followed his idol’s “playbook” closely since his declaration to win the Republican nomination in June of 2015.


Trump is a fascist. This is an undeniable fact which the mainstream media refuses to reveal. He inaccurately calls liberals “fascists” because he fails to understand the definition. The media has been complicit in his efforts to destroy democracy in America. In 1996 FOX News began broadcasting on cable television. Its vile and fallacious broadcasts proved two facts: FOX was never a news agency, it is a right-wing propaganda machine, and second, sensationalism increases advertising revenue.

Every broadcast network follows the lead of FOX today. They give Trump five-times more coverage than all other politicians combined, while refusing to expose his extremely close relationship with our nation’s greatest enemy, Vladimir Putin.

Nothing we see and hear on television can be trusted. In reality, the fourth estate no longer exists.

The facts are clear: Trump, his supporters, and his party are the enemies of all true Americans.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here

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