Republicans Admit that they are Incapable of Winning a Secure and Fair Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If you are of average intelligence, you have no doubt that the 2020 election was as described by Trump’s own ‘election czar,’ “the most secure and fair election in history.” The truth about the 2020 election is that when there is a large voter turnout Democrats typically win the important races.

A lower turnout reveals apathy from Democrats and Independents, and Republicans have a greater opportunity to be victorious.


Sean Hannity on Fox News, other Trump fake journalists on even more extreme broadcasts, and Trump himself are all making excuses for Trump’s loss in next Wednesday’s televised debate.

Let’s be totally truthful; Trump has never participated in a legitimate debate. Some might think it’s because he is virtually illiterate. However, not once has he answered a direct question. He uses the same ridiculous tactic he used during his press conferences between 2017 and 2021. If he doesn’t know the answer, or simply doesn’t want to answer, he says things like, “I’m not talking to you, you are fake news.” In simpler terms, he runs away.

During the 2016 campaign his staff used similar tactics when interviewed on national television broadcasts. Not once did the mainstream media force them or Trump himself to give a direct answer to questions which were “uncomfortable.” It appeared that they forgave him for knowing nothing about our government. This is the primary reason I no longer watch television “news.”

The entire right-wing of our nation’s politicians are blaming Biden for Trump’s eventual loss on June 26th, and for his probable defeat on November 5th.

One hilarious fact amazes me. In a roundabout way, the right-wing is praising the President for his impressive performance during his State of the Union Address. They are claiming that Mr. Biden was on drugs, specifically the cocaine left behind in the White House by the Trump administration. They are all telling the same lie, suggesting that he will use drugs before Wednesday’s debate.

The truth is that throughout his long and accomplished career Mr. Biden displayed his passion and love for his country when speaking before the American people. It’s no more complicated than that.

The general election in November presents many obstacles for Trump. Voters with a conscience who want to do the right thing, will have great difficulty voting for a convicted felon, a self-proclaimed and convicted sexual predator, and a man who admits that his presidency would be focused on revenge and do so by becoming a dictator and declaring martial law. Once again, he would do nothing but play golf, and party with his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago, while dividing our nation further, and shredding more pages of the Constitution. Heaven forbid our nation faced another healthcare emergency.

Is this what the American people want or need from our President?


From 2017 through 2021, Donald Trump cannot legitimately claim a single accomplishment which benefitted all Americans. His tax cuts for the super-rich remain in place, set to expire in 2025. That’s it. I won’t bore you by repeating his many failures and crimes against the United States of America: it would require pages and pages to tell the tale.

Mr. Biden began his first year in office in a very different way. He put together a team with the expertise to develop an efficient distribution for the Covid-19 vaccine. None was in place when he took office on January 20, 2021.

He acted immediately to put programs into effect which saved our nation’s economy. Checks were issued to all Americans who struggled through the pandemic. Jobs returned, and unemployment has steadily declined. Today America’s economy is in the best situation it has been since 1999.

He encouraged congress to pass a bill which would repair our crumbling infrastructure, and create good-paying jobs. Not only are jobs available, the rate of pay for these and other jobs have experienced a measurable increase.

His list of successes is long. Some might mean nothing to you, but all of them are focused on improving the quality of life for the working class.

The two men are completely opposite. Trump continues to represent the super-rich and all-white Americans. The President remains focused an 330+ million people.

These irrefutable facts alone convince me that a Biden victory is guaranteed if voters go to the polls in large numbers, or use the mail-in option. I am handicapped, and greatly appreciate the latter.

It’s your country, and your vote. You proved that you matter in 2020, let’s do it again.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon






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