One Fact Proves that Trump is the Antichrist

I can confirm that Trump is the Antichrist. Just ask yourself: “what would Jesus do,” and the orange buffoon is doing the opposite. He lacks the basic traits which would label him a human being: intelligence, common sense, compassion, understanding, and concern for anyone other than himself.

[In Christian lore, the Antichrist is a person who will oppose Jesus Christ and deceive the world before the Second Coming. The idea of the Antichrist comes from the Bible, Jewish traditions, and other sources.]

No one on earth is more deceitful than Donald Trump. If his lips are moving, he’s lying. He falsely claims to be a Christian. By his own words and actions, he is diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. That fact alone confirms that he is indeed the Antichrist.

Over the last 47 days Trump has revealed his true self to us once again. His racist immigration policy, his random firings of hardworking Americans, and his support for the super-rich while ignoring one half of our nation’s people who struggle every day to feed their families offer irrefutable proof that he is a godless Nazi.

I cannot forget about Elon Musk. He has no place in our government. He is nothing more than a billionaire/oligarch. Like his 755 constituents, he cares about one thing and one thing only: more money.

When Trump placed him in the position of co-president, he gave the greedy Nazi an opportunity to steal even more money from the American people. His citizenship should be rescinded and Musk should be sent back to South Africa.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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