Every Cowardly and Fake News Agency is Downplaying the Attempt to Overthrow our Government on Jan 6, 2021
Three hours. That’s how long mywife and I watched what is undoubtedly the darkest day in American history; the day a sitting, outgoing presidentattempted to overthrow his own government. We watched Trump tell hisNeo-Nazi army to march to the Capitol and halt one our nation’s most sacred and democratic processes: the certification of the Electoral College vote from the 2020 election.
They followed his orders and broke into the building where our nation’s laws are passed or rejected by our legislative branch. They smashed doors, and shattered windows to gain entrance to the hallowed halls of the Capitol Building.
They proceeded to steal what became memorabilia, smash office equipment, defecate on furniture in offices, and assaulted the Capitol police, while searching for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. They had orders to kill them both.
Yesterday, the certification of Trump’s questionable win in the Electoral College on November 5, 2024, took place without violence, without an attempt to end democracy in America. Today, our government, the mainstream media, Trump, and his fascist party are attempting to convince the American people that January 6 was not the darkest day in American history. I call “bullshit.”
Anyone who is honest with themselves, and watched the violent events of January 6, cannot define that day in any other way than an act of treason.
However, even President Biden refused to speak honestly when he addressed the American people yesterday.
“As president-elect that day, I spoke to the country and called for peace, and for the certification to resume. Four years later, leaving office, I am determined to do everything I can to respect the peaceful transfer of power and restore the traditions we have long respected in America. The election will be certified peacefully. I have invited the incoming president to the White House on the morning of Jan. 20, and I will be present for his inauguration that afternoon.”
I will not be watching and definitely not be celebrating the inauguration. Trump is a traitor and never should have been allowed to run for the presidency in 2024. He never was and never will be my president.
Fact: In December of 2020, meetings began between members of Trump’s administration, Trump, and leaders of Neo-Nazi groups including the Proud Boys. The meetings were held at Trump’s Willard Hotel. The purpose of these meetings was to plan and organize a coup. This government takeover would take place on the day assigned to certify the votes of the Electoral College.
Fact: Trump admitted to members of his staff that he lost the election three days after all the votes were counted. He created the “Big Lie” in a desperate effort to soothe his inflated ego, while under the direction of Vladimir Putin.”
Fact: Trump wasted millions of dollars and time attempting to overturn the results in 60 state courts and the Supreme Court of the United States. In each case, the courts rejected his claims of fraud for a single reason. There was absolutely no evidence. However, that didn’t stop the orange buffoon from falsely claiming that he won in 2020.
Fact: Trump’s ignorant supporters chose to believe his big lie, and our nation became more divided than it has been since the first Civil War. America became divided between those who believe undeniable facts and those who live in Trump’s world of fantasy and fiction.
In 13 days our government will allow a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and our nation’s biggest traitor to claim the title of President of the United States.
Only in America.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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