Growing Praise and Support for President Biden

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If you are an informed voter, you know that between Trump and President Biden there is no comparison. Americans deserve an American President, not an asset of a foreign nation who would shred the Constitution and move our nation backwards into the dark days of 85 years ago.

In the 1950’s nothing happened to guarantee equality for Black Americans in the United States. Few Black men and even fewer Black women were enrolled our colleges and universities. Few of the good paying jobs were given to Black men. It was illegal in most states for Blacks to openly have a romantic relationship with whites. Black women would not have the right to vote until 1965.

Women were expected to be subservient to men in the mid-twentieth century. In the workplace most women made little more than 50 cents for every dollar made by men. If they wanted to keep their jobs, they were forced to accept sexual advances by the men in their current employment. Our nation was heavily dominated in every aspect by white men. Would you like to return to those days?

Donald Trump has admitted and boasted about his plans if reelected. His promises made both publicly and in private are bleak and suggest an even darker future for our nation.


Trump’s first plan, to increase the powers of the executive branch, are diametrically opposed to the ideals of our Founding Fathers. They left England for two reasons: to secure both religious freedom and freedom from religion, and to prevent the establishment of a King or other form of autocrat in the new nation.

Increasing the powers of our president would put an end to the rights of the people to remove a dictatorial leader from office with the assistance of the legislative branch. This would establish complete immunity for our nation’s leader which is currently the practice in Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and multiple nations within the African Continent.

Trump is planning to void parts of the Bill of Rights which guarantee the rights of the people. His primary target is the First Amendment. He would establish Christianity as America’s one true religion, based on his support from the Evangelical Christian Religious Right, void free speech and free elections, eliminate the free press, and prevent peaceful protests from disgruntled citizens.

Possibly the saddest, and most ludicrous promise made by the orange buffoon involves one of the greatest presidents in modern history.

 “I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,” the former president said in June after his arraignment in Florida. “I will totally obliterate the Deep State.”

Once again, he is referencing his own family and friends, which have become known as the “Washington Mafia.”


State’s courts and Trump’s stacked Supreme Court rejected every effort to overturn the 2020 election. This has become nothing more than a desperate effort to save the malignant narcissist’s huge ego, and his biggest lie.

The facts not only prove that Trump was soundly defeated in both the popular and Electoral College vote, they prove that America rejected Trump, his party, and their agenda for America’s future.


If the American people look at the many accomplishments of President Biden over the last three-and-one-half years, he will once again win in a landslide. Our economy has not experienced this type of growth since the days of the Clinton Administration. Mr. Biden’s efforts to end the Covid-19 crisis saved hundreds of thousands from losing their lives after Trump’s failure to take timely action during the last months of 2019 and the early part of 2020.

Our country is on a path to advance our nation’s economy not experienced since 1999.


Trump doesn’t know how to tell the truth. His lies about the most successful President in the last 24 years cannot suppress the facts.

Although Mr. Biden continues to face the worst and least productive Congress in history, his accomplishments for all Americans are many.

To allow Trump to defile our White House once again would undo all the advances made by a real, working president, and leave us far behind all other developed nations in every social issue, including the quality of life.

The bottom line is clear: Trump is less qualified to lead our nation in 2024 than he was in 2016. He is physically and mentally impaired.

Vote Democratic and save your country.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please tell everyone about my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here

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