Do We Need the Supreme Court?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The current Supreme Court is corrupt and useless to the American people. Five men and one woman are unfit to sit on our nation’s highest Court. They spend every minute overturning decisions by previous and legitimate Supreme Courts and lower courts which failed to serve the wishes of right-wing politicians. They proved their bias in support of fascist presidential candidate, Donald Trump when they granted him absolute immunity. They ignored the fact that the men who wrote the Constitution took great effort to prevent a monarch or dictator from ruling the New Nation. Our next “president” could be our last.

Considering these irrefutable facts, do we need a Supreme Court?


It is clear that many of the decisions from lower appeals courts protect the intent of the Constitution, while six members of the highest Court in the land continue to remake laws in favor or the American Fascist Party.

This week President Biden announced his support for major changes in the Supreme Court. His focus is on term limits, and a strict ethics code. I couldn’t agree more.

I can’t count the number of articles I have written suggesting that the easiest way to repair our corrupt and dysfunctional government is term limits for all three branches of government.

In both the House and Senate there are old men who have held seats for far too long. These men accomplish nothing for the majority of our nation’s people, while increasing their personal wealth and power. Lobbyists own them, having paid for their loyalty over and over again.

Our Founding Fathers carefully considered how to create a court which would guarantee that the Constitution was upheld in every situation. They believed that removing the need to win elections and giving the justices lifetime appointments would remove the need for aligning themselves with a political party. However, their intent to prevent political bias has failed miserably. They underestimated mankind and efforts to achieve great wealth and ultimate power regardless of what needs to be done.

Power corrupts and Supreme Court justices have powers nearing the absolute. Absolute power corrupts, and this is where our Court stands today. They have no reason to fear repercussions because there are none.


Everyone knows about the major unjust decisions made by six members of this Court. Overturning Roe v Wade, which guaranteed every woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical health was another right-wing attack on women’s rights. Supporting Trump’s claim that he is above the law and had absolute presidential immunity, was a decision made by haters of democracy in support of fascism. Overturing a past decision against Chevron Oil, confirmed that these five men and one woman are owned by corporations and support their “rights” to cause enormous damage to our air, water, and land for financial gain.

However, we must look at a lesser-known decision made solely for political gain.

Several state’s courts defended the right of their state’s government to remove Trump’s name from their ballots, based on section three of the 14th Amendment. However, in a blatant decision to protect Donald Trump, these six justices overturned the lower court’s decisions.

I watched all three hours of the darkest day in American history as a sitting president ordered a mob composed of mostly Neo-Nazis to halt the democratic process of certifying the Electoral College. This was an insurrection and a crime of treason.

Section three, 14th Amendment: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

The exact reference to a “president” is not in the words, but the intent is clear. However, these words do include “anyone” who attempted to or aided efforts during an insurrection: “… or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States…”

It doesn’t require a genius IQ to know that Trump is the greatest traitor to America in its 248-year history.


The final part of this story validates President Biden’s proposal.

Let’s look at how America is forced to suffer under this Court’s horrific decisions for decades to come.

In 1991, George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas for the vacancy created on the Court when Justice Thurgood Marshall retired. I have no doubt his intensions were admirable. Although Thomas is Black, he is no Thurgood Marshall.

During his hearings, with Joe Biden as the chairman, he was accused of sexual misconduct by a former aid, Anita Hill. However, the old men of the Senate voiced their opinion that she was a liar, and confirmed a man who has come to be the most corrupt and incompetent justice in modern history.

In 2005, George W. Bush nominated both John Roberts and Samuel Alito. Alito remains controversial, openly displaying his support for Donald Trump. Roberts is now the Chief Justice, and has clearly joined the five other justices appointed by Republican presidents in his display of bias.

In 2017, Neil Gorsuch was nominated by Trump, although it was clear that Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Heritage Foundation made the choice for him. His confirmation came after Moscow Mitch established his own rule in 2016 insisting that an empty seat on the Court cannot be filled in an election year.

When Anthony Kennedy retired in 2018, he chose Brett Kavanaugh as his replacement. His hearings brought back memories of 1991 when Doctor Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault while they were in college. Once again, the men in the Senate ignored her, claiming she lied, and confirmed the unqualified nominee. He continues to face controversy with his decisions and justification for those decisions.

Less than three months before the 2020 election, the legendary Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lost her battle with cancer. Once again Moscow Mitch displayed that he is a traitor by breaking his own rule. He rushed through the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. She was sworn in just days before America voted. Barrett is a well-known religious extremist.

The final three had no outstanding qualifications making them eligible for receiving a seat on the Court. The only reason was based on each candidate’s promise to overturn Roe v Wade.

This is how the worst Supreme Court in history came to be.

Change must come and come now.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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