Religious Intolerance in America


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If you are a devout Christian, this story is not intended for you. I respect your beliefs and would be willing to do anything to protect your First Amendment rights. This article is focused on fake Christians, those who do not believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is for the men and women who use religion for personal advancement and are nothing more than pretenders.


I am focusing on Evangelical leaders who created the Christian Religious Right for personal gain. Their organization began under Ronald Reagan, who was a religious extremist. They proved that they are not Christians when they supported Trump in 2016, and are supporting him again this year. Because right-wing politicians support the CRR, they violate the First Amendment every day. This is a classic example of religious intolerance in America. Read the First Amendment and judge for yourself how the American people are guaranteed the freedom to practice the religion of their choice, and protection from having religion forced upon them.

[Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.]


Reading this promise and guarantee that personal freedom is paramount in a free country, it is easy to understand why our Founding Fathers considered the First Amendment their most important addendum to the Constitution.

Prior to our Founding Fathers exit from England, King George III decreed that the only religion allowed in the English Empire would be that of the Anglican Church. This was unacceptable.

This is why the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights guaranteed freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

Religion has no place in our government. If any elected public official applies his or her religious beliefs to public policy, he or she is in violation of the First Amendment.


It may surprise you to learn that only a few of our Founding Fathers were Christian. Most were Deists. So, when you hear a politician, a minister, a pastor, or a priest claim that our nation is religious, and founded by Christians, they are lying.

The United States of America was created for many reasons: excess taxation, unwanted rule by an autocrat, and a desire for personal freedom, among others. However, there was never any intention to place religion into its governance.


So the next time you hear any politician include his or her religion in the discussion of an issue, do not trust them. They are using religion to gain your support.

Our government has become the most corrupt in the world. Nearly everything they tell us is a lie. Trust no one, and learn the facts, the truth, for yourself.

It is the responsibility of every man and woman in Amerca to know what is happening in their local, state, and federal government. Citizenship has its price.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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