The Confusion About Religion in America is not Confusing


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Long before the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the new land, soon to become the United States of America, was a country based on confusion about religious affiliation and divided about its future. Eventually, our nation’s leaders decided that the term “religious freedom” would protect the right for all of its citizens to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. This was confirmed and protected in the first sentence of the First Amendment.

Using Religion as a Weapon

However, desperation within the right-wing of our political system has resulted in another form of extremism: religious bigotry.

The Christian Religious Right controls the votes of all men and women who call themselves “Republicans.” As the right-wing’s base continues to diminish, they find it necessary to pander to anyone who will support their unpopular agenda.

Real Christians Believe in the Teachings of Jesus Christ

Let me offer you a bit of honesty. Evangelical leaders are not “Christian.” Most politicians, including Donald Trump, are not “Christians.” Neo-Nazis are not “Christians.” They want money and power. Anyone who refuses to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is not a Christian.

None of the Above

Here's a fact you may not want to hear. The fastest growing “religion” in America is “none at all.” More than 30 percent of all Americans claim to have no religious affiliation. Just a few years ago about 65 million Americans rejected all organized religions. In 2024 their numbers exceed 100 million.

A recent study found that the number of Americans converting to Christian religions is in decline. The only major religion experiencing growth is the Religion of Islam.

Of great interest is where the practice of religion is declining. The pattern in the northwest and northeast remains constant. What is surprising is the change in the middle of America. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are three states where the change in the numbers of men and women attending services is showing a significant decline.

America is Changing

I’m certain you are asking “why is this happening?” Experts believe the primary reason is founded in the suppression of women’s rights. Abortion has become a major issue once again, but the reasons have changed. When a biased Supreme Court reversed a 49-year-old decision which protected a woman’s right to end an unwanted pregnancy, millions were shocked and angry.

Another issue, created by right-wing politicians, is the rights of transgender Americans. About 1.3 million Americans identify themselves as transgender, but support for their cause by younger men and women is huge.

For me, a man who is 77 years old, the greatest change related to religion is not surprising. I was 16 when I began to question everything. I had been taught during 10 years of Catholic school. I continue my efforts to become more spiritual every day. However, I decided long ago that I do not need a man or woman standing behind a pulpit giving me instructions about how to live my life. I remain a pacifist who believes in compassion and understanding for all mankind.

Hiding Behind Religion

Sadly, I find far too many men and women who claim to be “Christians” reject the teachings of Jesus Christ. They are judgmental and reject anyone who refuses to share their personal beliefs. I’m sure millions of other Americans share my rejection of hypocrisy.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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