“Donald Trump and the Basement Dwellers”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Sounds like it could be the name of a 1960’s band, but it’s not. “Basement Dwellers” is what Trump actually thinks about his most avid supporters when he’s not on stage telling them to hate everyone who disagrees with him.

On Tuesday evening, Trump’s former press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, revealed his true feelings during a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. She resigned her post on January 6, 2021 after watching Trump’s failed coup attempt.

Her speech was not vengeful, but a warning for anyone who refuses to see the real Donald Trump. The message was clear and 100 percent accurate: Trump is not interested in anyone but himself.


Trump has his own reasons for seeking a second term in Washington. However, none of them involve moving our nation forward, or enhancing the quality of life for all of our nation’s people.

First, he needs praise from his handler, Vladimir Putin. He disappointed his benefactor and master when he failed miserably in 2020 to win reelection. The words coming out of his pie hole guaranteed the huge loss he suffered on November 3, 2020. Real Americans voted in historic numbers with the primary intent of evicting Trump from our White House.

Second, the malignant narcissist is desperate to receive acceptance and praise from his “basement dwellers.” His greatest fear is becoming insignificant, and second is losing, especially to a Black woman.

Third, and of greater importance for the orange buffoon, is the fact that Trump faces dozens of additional felony charges after the election. If he loses on November 5th, he will be unable to pardon himself and could spend the remainder of his days behind bars. Fortunately for him, he is a very old 78-year-old man, and his life expectancy is short.


Not once between 2017 and 2021 did Trump act “presidential.” He never was my president; his election was rigged and therefore his presidency was illegitimate.

One of his first actions after his minimal inauguration was to violate the Constitution with an attempt to ban entry to our country for all Muslims, with the exception of his close friends, the Saudi Arabia Royal Family. This is significant because 15 of the 19 skyjackers on 9/11 were Saudi nationals. Trump is an Islamophobe, and has no concern about foreign or domestic terrorism. Like his feelings about our military, I’m sure he believes terrorists who commit suicide are “suckers and losers.”

From that day forward the next four years would be highlighted by constant violations of Constitutional law. From the Emoluments Clause to attempted bribery from the President of Ukraine, Trump continued to violate his oath of office. The sad fact about this story is no one in our government or the mainstream media appeared concerned.


Trump’s lack of leadership was exposed in 2020. At the end of 2019, one of his aides informed him about a potentially dangerous situation originating from the Wuhan Province in China. It was contained in the President’s Daily Brief, which Trump cannot or refuses to read. He ignored it. In January of 2020, it was reported that a new strain of coronavirus was moving west and infecting citizens of multiple nations.

It was no surprise that Trump didn’t know what to do and didn’t care. His solution was: “We are better prepared, and it will just go away.” This policy continued until mid-March when Americans began dying from problems directly attributable to Covid-19.

The result was more than one-million American lives lost, and an economy which crashed. Our country nearly faced a second depression until President Biden took immediate action in January of 2021 with plans to save the economy with stimulus checks, and distribute the life-saving vaccine.

The truth is, Trump possesses none of the qualities needed to lead a nation of more than 330 million people. He lacks experience, having spent four years golfing, partying at Mar-a-Lago and other resorts, holding hate rallies, and watching television. He is poorly educated. Remember, he had no idea what NATO was until he had been sworn-in as your illegitimate president. He knows nothing about the issues facing the American people, and lacks any ability to effectively improve relations with our allies. He is a party boy, not a leader.


Let’s tell the truth no one else will. Trump’s entire persona is a bad joke, played on all Americans, including his cult. He is nothing more than a con artist whose ambitions are focused entirely on himself. He never wanted to be the president, and therefore never will be.

His reasons in 2024 are solely founded in saving his own humongous derriere. A vote for Trump is a waste of your most precious right. He will repeat his title as the worst president in American history, and his actions will be focused on destroying our democracy will become more focused and intense. He is under orders from his mentor to destroy the United States of America from within.

Your vote is important. Right now, we need Kamala Harris to lead our people bravely into the last three quarters of the 21st century.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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