All Older Americans Are Frequently Depressed


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Before I discuss old age, I need to say that at the age of 78, in a few weeks, I am especially depressed. I grew up during a time when patriotism was at its highest point. It appears that when my life ends, my beloved country will be nothing but a memory. The dream of our Founding Fathers will have died, and the men who sought the destruction of the “great experiment” will have been victorious.


“Life is a journey,” and other trite old sayings bear truth without an explanation. Change is never easy, but when it becomes inevitable, it can produce levels of depression as we reach our “golden years,” a term I despise.

If we didn’t have the ability to remember our past, aging would be much easier. Personally, my moments of depression occur when I attempt to do something which was easy for me in the past is difficult or even impossible today.

I am very fortunate that my mind is intact, and maybe a little sharper in some ways than it was 30-40 years ago. However, my once athletic body is now the body of an old man who I do not recognize. I am living many of the jokes comedians make about old men. My biggest problem began in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today I cannot stand without a cane or a walker. This prevents me from performing things like mowing the lawn and most other yardwork. My wife has asthma and I did all the shopping during the pandemic. Today my bride shops for our groceries.

My problem is related to the fact that from the time I was a small child, I have been extremely independent. I found there was nothing I couldn’t do if I tried. Now I find myself dependent on others.


I know this sems like I’m complaining because I am. However, I will never surrender to old age completely. I use my treadmill almost every day. I do most of the cooking. I do my own laundry. I have equipped my shower with devices ensuring my ability to clean myself. I may have lost some of my independence, but I will continue to do what I can to regain it.

Gratitude is defined as, “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”

I know that the loss of certain physical strengths make some angry, and that anger is misdirected towards the people who care deeply about them. I find this unforgivable. Another old saying is that “God laughs at people who make plans.” Simply put, life offers challenges constantly. How we choose to face those challenges defines our character.

I am grateful for many things in my life, but none more than my beautiful bride. I have loved her from the first time our eyes met. I have been fortunate to have learned from her how to become a better person. I thank her for loving me every day. No one in my life is more worthy of my gratitude and deep respect for the person she is. I am privileged to have shared every experience, both good and bad, which the world places in front of us for nearly three decades.


The truth is that all we have is now: this moment. We are guaranteed nothing else.

I will try and become stronger and at the same time ensure that my mind remains clear and creative.

I wake up every day and try to remember that I have been given a gift. I usually wake up first. When my bride wakes up and walks into the room, followed by our spoiled little dog, I celebrate again. At that moment, I realize I have nothing to complain about. It is what it is, and finding joy in the little things makes life worth living.


I enjoy the late-night talk shows. However, when they poke fun at Joe Biden because of his age, they disappoint me. He is just three years older than me, and has served our country well. But these comedians spend their time focusing on things which will eventually happen to all of us. It’s not funny, it’s sad that they feel it necessary to get cheap laughs at the expense of the elderly. Mr. Biden is working for them, and a little gratitude would be nice once in a while.

I will leave you with a simple fact which is not reported by the mainstream media.

Although the President is facing obstructionism from the right side of the aisle every day, his accomplishments are many. Most importantly, the economy of the United States is the best it has been since 2000.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My noels are available on Amazon



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