DeSantis vs Trump? A Brainless Fascist vs a Fascist Traitor

 Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Thanks to Vladimir Putin, James Comey, the mainstream media, and millions of white supremacists, our nation’s people had four very long years to learn about the “real Donald Trump.” Not only was he revealed as a sexual predator, a lifelong criminal, and an obese old, white man who hated his country and planned to destroy democracy and create a fascist regime, two weeks prior to his eviction from the White House he proved to be our nation’s biggest traitor by attempting to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

It is an undeniable fact that Trump will be remembered as the worst president in history forever. Never again can any man or any woman be allowed to devote their every effort for four years to destroy the country they were elected to lead.

I constantly refer to Trump’s victory on November 8, 2016 as “illegitimate.” One story, which is now hidden from the American people by our government and a complicit mainstream media, proves that I am 100 percent accurate. It cannot be found anywhere today.

In October of 2016, just one month prior to the general election, a meeting was held in the Oval Office. In attendance were the leaders of both parties, the President and Vice-President, and the heads of our nation’s national security agencies. The only subject up for discussion was confirmation that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our upcoming election with the sole intent of assisting in a Trump victory. Plans made in Moscow in 2013 had come to fruition.

No details were ever released with the exception of the reported fact that Moscow Mitch McConnell was livid. For an unknown reason, America’s voters were never informed of this fact. On November 8, 2016, the entire electorate was uninformed about the facts surrounding our general election. This is the same old bullshit: secrecy for national security. This is a perfect example of the corruption which exists on Capitol Hill in the 21st century, and why no one in our government can be trusted.

According to a mainstream media, which can also no longer be trusted, the only legitimate challenger for Trump in 2024 is the worst governor in American history. Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, is a white supremacist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, and lacks the average intelligence required to hold public office.

Most Americans agree that DeSantis would be a worse president than Trump.

America has never matured as a country. Our intellectual abilities remain somewhere in the preteen or early teen years of human life. The fact that racism, and multiple forms of bigotry remain one of our country’s biggest problems is unforgivable. DeSantis has surpassed Mike Pence as America’s biggest homophobe.

DeSantis is far behind in the polls, so he did what Republicans do best and most often: he attacked Trump for something that if true would actually endure the worst man in the world to some voters. He attacked him for “celebrating pride week,” and for promising to protect the rights of the LGBTQ community at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

The attack was so vile that even some of his supporters attacked the man who hates all members of the LGBTQ community for no reason other than his own senseless prejudice. Although our nation was making progress and beginning to join the rest of developed nations between 2009 and 2017, over the last six years Republicans and Fox News have led the effort to put gays, lesbians, transexuals, and other Americans back “in the closet.”

Like Trump, DeSantis is not an American. He does not support the Bill of Rights or any other Amendment to the Constitution. He is a disgrace to the principles upon which the United States was founded.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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