Trump is a Bully; All Bullies Are Cowards

A draft dodger, a bully, a womanizer, a con artist: these are all terms which can accurately be used to describe Donald John Trump. Words which cannot be attached to Trump are caring, compassionate, kind, intelligent, generous, or leader.

Like all egomaniacs, Trump enjoys having power over others, but is incapable of accepting even minor criticism from anyone.

A little-known fact about Trump’s first illegitimate presidency has been ignored and probably hidden from the American people by the mainstream media, adds to the analysis of the real Donald Trump.

After the federal execution of Billie Allen in 2003, not a single death row inmate had been executed by the federal government until 2019-2020. Trump approved of and even hurried the deaths of 13 federal prisoners.

After his controversial reelection last November 5th, he pledged to increase the number of executions after his inauguration.

In an obvious response to Trump’s blood lust, President Biden recently commuted the death sentences of 37 of the 40 inmates currently on death row in federal prisons.

As you might have expected, the President has been praised and criticized by individuals and groups across the nation. To no one’s surprise, Trump and his fascist party are angry. Trump was excited about the opportunity to kill more people. I find this an extreme case of hypocrisy.

Trump has caused enormous pain and harm to many people in his 78 years. His tale is a story about a lifetime criminal. If we add his intentional failure to protect our nation’s people from the deadly coronavirus which arrived in the United States in 2020, Trump is the most prolific mass murderer in our nation’s history.

In December of 2019, one of his aides, assigned to read the Presidents Daily Brief, informed him of the emerging threat which would become known and “Covid-19.” He ignored the information until the media became aware that the deadly virus was responsible for a growing number of deaths in Asia and Europe. His response was another lie. He claimed that America was better prepared and that “it would just go away.”

He repeated this lie until March, when Americans began to lose their fight against the deadly pandemic. Trump continued to do nothing as the pharmaceutical industry began to create a vaccine to protect American lives, and the lives of people around the world.

More than one-million lives were lost and healthcare professionals agree that if Trump had taken action in January of 2020, at least ten percent of those lives might have been spared. Common sense tells me that Trump is responsible for at least 100,000 deaths in America.

He is also directly responsible for the five people who died and the 174 police officers who were injured on January 6, 2021 when he attempted to violently overthrow our government.

Why is Trump not on death row today instead of preparing for his inauguration? The answer is frightening and lethal to our nation’s future: politicians and the super-rich are above the law. This means that the United States is truly a country without laws. Justice is not blind, she is prejudiced.

Many of you are most likely opposed to the actions of President Biden. If that is your opinion, your belief, I understand.

Personally, I am opposed to the death penalty for several reasons. The most important are doubt and the reality of being human.

I fear that in our nation’s history many individuals have been executed lawfully or illegally for crimes they did not commit. Innocence projects across America have saved hundreds of lives since the use of DNA evidence became common practice.

I believe that life in prison without the possibility of parole is a far greater punishment for many than the loss of one’s life. I consider executions archaic and belong in the past along with many other pagan practices.

Finally, regardless of what heinous crimes they committed, they are human beings, and time offers them an opportunity to repent their offenses and possibly attempt to make restitution to their victim’s surviving families.

Trump is a typical coward. He enjoys performing actions which harm and kill others, but would never take action himself. How many times have you heard him at his rallies when a heckler dared to call him what he is tell his supporters to “beat him up and get him out of here?”

I have written several times that I believe the attempt to assassinate Trump was staged. No one can answer the most important question: “where is the bullet which allegedly nicked his ear?” I believe that when Trump ducked behind the podium, he used an old professional wrestler’s trick and used a razorblade to make a small cut on his right ear.

Regardless, I commend President Biden’s actions. Someone in our government must do the right thing on occasion.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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