Republicans, How Dumb Are They?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If I look at the 2024 election objectively, I would swear that Republicans don’t want to win the presidency. Looking at politicians, and voters who claim to compose the GOP, if Trump is the best they have to offer, this tells us a lot about the lack of ability and intelligence coming from the right side of the aisle.

Not that I would have voted for her in November, but when Nikki Haley declared her candidacy last year, I believed Republicans had a very good chance of taking back the presidency in 2024.


First, we look at the entire Republican Party. Insiders claim that most Republican politicians despise Trump. However, without the support of his cult, winning elections is nearly impossible. Hillary called them “a basket of deplorables,” and she was 100 percent accurate. Most of them support Trump for one reason: he is the leader of the white supremacist movement in America. Racism is a far more severe problem than the mainstream media and our government would like you to know. If we are honest, our government has refused to offer its unlimited support for minorities for 405 years.

However, if they had united in support of Haley, Trump would have become irrelevant and forgotten in weeks. I sincerely believe that she could have defeated President Biden. America is eager for a woman president, and if she had rejected Trump’s fascist policies Haley would have undoubtedly attracted a significant number of Independent voters, who will decide the election’s results.


If Haley had any chance of securing her party’s presidential nomination, she needed to establish herself as a principled and strong leader. If she denounced Trump for what he is, and became a true Republican, she would have gained admirers from all sides of the political spectrum.

However, she is another cowardly and hypocritical politician. Not too long ago she announced that she supports Trump and will vote for him once more.


In January of 2016, after President Obama’s State of the Union Address, she said that it’s time for the American people to reject “angry voices” and work together for the future.

“Mr. Trump has definitely contributed to what I think is just irresponsible talk.”

Feb. 16, 2016: Haley said she had not decided who to endorse in the GOP primary, but she wouldn’t be backing Trump, saying he is “everything a governor doesn’t want in a president.”

Another Republican politician and another hypocrite.

Aug. 24, 2020: Haley spoke at the 2020 Republican National Convention, encouraging voters to support Trump’s bid for a second term. “Donald Trump has always put America first. And he has earned four more years as president,” she said. Stop laughing.

More Hypocrisy: After a mob of Trump’s supporters rioted at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, echoing Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, Haley was sharply critical of Trump and said the GOP should move on from his leadership. But she later walked those comments back, saying the party needed him.

In April 2021, Haley promised that she would not seek the presidency if Trump decided to run again.

Jan. 19, 2023: Even after Trump had jumped into the race, Haley did not rule out a run for the White House herself, telling Fox News, “So do I think I could be that leader? Yes, But we are still working through things and we’ll figure it out. I’ve never lost a race. I said that then I still say that now. I’m not going to lose now.” Today she proudly wears the label of “loser.”

In other statements she criticized Trump for his remarks about our fallen military in WWI. He called them “suckers and losers.”

She denounced Trump’s continued support for Putin after he clearly had another rival murdered.

Once again, Haley flip-flopped and added her own “big lie.” She unfairly called President Biden a “catastrophe,” and affirmed that she will vote for Trump in 2024.


Beginning with the Reagan Administration, all right-wing politicians have proven that they will say anything to get your vote. You and I are not a priority, but winning elections at any cost is.

I have made it a personal policy not to vote for any candidate whose entire position is based on negativity. I will only listen to, and possibly support candidates who have strong positions on the important issues.

Today’s fake Republicans constantly attack their opponents without reason. Everything they say is a lie. They need you and me for our votes, but after elections they act according to the demands of special interests who have bought and paid for them over and over again.


Without qualifications, morals, integrity, and a desire to serve the American people, Republicans do not deserve your vote.

Facts prove that most Americans experience a better quality of life with Democrats in control of our government. Clinton was forced to rescue Reagan and George H.W. Bush: Obama had no choice but to save our economy from the severe damaged caused by George W. Bush: Biden has not only removed the damage caused by Trump, our economy is the best it has been since the Clinton Administration. Clinton left office in 2001 and the national treasury had a surplus of funds.

Choose wisely when you vote this year: your future, and the future of our country will be decided on November 5th.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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